2024 | |
[ 1 ] | Gottardi, N.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G. Real-time estimation of the structural utilization level of segmental tunnel lining Underground Space (new), 2024 [ DOI ] |
[ 2 ] | Xu, C.; Liu, Z.; Cao, B.T.; Meschke, G.; Liu, X. Multifidelity operator learning for predicting displacement fields of tunnel linings under external loads IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2024 [ DOI ] |
[ 3 ] | Liu, Z.; Liu, X.; Alsahly, A.; Yuan, Y.; Meschke, G. Mechanics of Longitudinal Joints in Segmental Tunnel Linings: A Semi-Analytical Approach SSRN, 2024 [ DOI ] |
[ 4 ] | Zendaki, Y.; Cao, B.T.; Alsahly, A.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G. A simulation-based software to support the real-time operational parameters selection of tunnel boring machines Underground Space (China), 2024 [ DOI ] |
[ 5 ] | Williams, R.J.M.; Cao, B.-T.; Alsahly, A.; Meschke, G. Simulation-based approach for the optimization of ground freezing in tunneling IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2024 [ DOI ] |
[ 6 ] | Chen Xu; Ba Trung Cao; Yong Yuan; Günther Meschke A multi-fidelity deep operator network (DeepONet) for fusing simulation and monitoring data: Application to real-time settlement prediction during tunnel construction Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2024-07 [ DOI ] |
[ 7 ] | Bui, Hoang Giang; Ninic, Jelena; Koch, Christian; Klaus Hackl; Guenther Meschke Integrated BIM-based modeling and simulation of segmental tunnel lining by means of isogeometric analysis Finite elements in analysis and design, 2024-02-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 8 ] | Reinold, Janis; Daadouch, Koussay; Guenther Meschke Numerical simulation of three dimensional concrete printing based on a unified fluid and solid mechanics formulation Frontiers of structural and civil engineering, 2024-05-31 [ DOI ] |
[ 9 ] | Yaman Zendaki; Ba‐Trung Cao; Janosch Stascheit; Abdullah Alsahly; Steffen Freitag; Ulrich Maidl; Günther Meschke Coupling process controlling data and numerical simulation in mechanised tunnelling Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 2024-06-11 [ DOI ] |
[ 10 ] | Simon Peters; Günther Meschke Computational multiscale modelling of thermally induced dehydration of blended hardened cement paste Cement and Concrete Research, 2024-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 11 ] | A. Borković; M.H. Gfrerer; R.A. Sauer; B. Marussig; T.Q. Bui A novel section–section potential for short-range interactions between plane beams Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2024-09 [ DOI ] |
[ 12 ] | Williams, R. J. ; Guenther Meschke; Saberi, Miad Numerical investigation of artificial ground freezing-thawing processes in tunnel construction Computers and geotechnics, 2024-09 [ DOI ] |
[ 13 ] | Aningi Mokhalingam; Shakti S. Gupta; Roger A. Sauer Continuum contact model for friction between graphene sheets that accounts for surface anisotropy and curvature Physical Review B, 2024-01-29 [ DOI ] |
[ 14 ] | Roger A. Sauer; Zhihui Zou; Thomas J.R. Hughes A simple and efficient hybrid discretization approach to alleviate membrane locking in isogeometric thin shells Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2024-05 [ DOI ] |
2023 | |
[ 15 ] | Reinold, J.; Gudžulić, V.; Meschke, G. Computational modeling of fiber orientation during 3D-concrete-printing Computational Mechanics, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 16 ] | Mang, H.A.; Lackner, R.; Meschke, G.; Mosler, J. Computational Modeling of Concrete Structures Comprehensive Structural Integrity, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 17 ] | Barros, J.; Sanz, B.; Filho, M.; Figueiredo, F.; Kabele, P.; Yu, R.C.; Meschke, G.; Planas, J.; Cunha, V.; Caggiano, A., et al. Blind competition on the numerical simulation of continuous shallow steel-fiber reinforced concrete beams failing in bending Structural Concrete, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 18 ] | Meschke, G.; Neu, G.; Gudžulić, V.; Reinold, J.; Iskhakov, T. Computational modeling of FRC: From 3D printing to robust design Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 2022, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 19 ] | Saberi, S.; Meschke, G.; Vogel, A. An Efficient Parallel Adaptive GMG Solver for Large-Scale Stokes Problems Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 20 ] | Williams, R.J.; Alsahly, M.A.; Meschke, G. Computational modelling of artificial ground freezing in mechanized tunnelling Expanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World- Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, WTC 2023, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 21 ] | Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 22 ] | Schäfer, N.; Gudžulić, V.; Breitenbücher, R.; Meschke, G. Fatigue behavior and crack opening tests under tensile stress on HPSFRC: Experimental and numerical investigations Current Perspectives and New Directions in Mechanics, Modelling and Design of Structural Systems - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 2022, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 23 ] | Schoen, S.; Edler, P.; Meschke, G.; Freitag, S. Durability analysis and optimization of a prestressed concrete bridge strengthened by a fiber reinforced concrete layer Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems - Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2023, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 24 ] | Alsahly, Abdullah; Bui, Hoang Giang; Heußner, Lukas; Jodehl, Annika; Williams Moises, Rodolfo Javier; Obel, Markus; Marcel Stepien; Andre Vonthron; Zendaki, Yaman; Steffen Freitag, et al. Digital design in mechanized tunneling Interaction modeling in mechanized tunneling, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 25 ] | Saberi, S.; Meschke, G.; Vogel, A. Adaptive geometric multigrid for the mixed finite cell formulation of Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 26 ] | Xu, C.; Cao, B.T.; Yuan, Y.; Meschke, G. A multi-fidelity deep operator network (DeepONet) for fusing simulation and monitoring data: Application to real-time settlement prediction during tunnel construction arXiv, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 27 ] | Günther Meschke Introduction , 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 28 ] | Maziyar Bazmara; Roger A Sauer; Ashutosh Agrawal Biomimetic torene shells Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2023-08 [ DOI ] |
[ 29 ] | Myung-Jin Choi; Roger A. Sauer; Sven Klinkel A selectively reduced degree basis for efficient mixed nonlinear isogeometric beam formulations with extensible directors Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 30 ] | Myung-Jin Choi; Sven Klinkel; Roger A. Sauer An isogeometric frictionless beam‐to‐beam contact formulation for hyperelastic Cosserat rods with unconstrained directors RWTH Aachen University, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 31 ] | Maximilian Harmel; Roger A. Sauer New hybrid quadrature schemes for weakly singular kernels applied to isogeometric boundary elements for 3D Stokes flow Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements, 2023-08 [ DOI ] |
[ 32 ] | Thang X Duong; Vu N Khiêm; Mikhail Itskov; Roger A Sauer A general theory for anisotropic Kirchhoff–Love shells with in-plane bending of embedded fibers Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2023-05 [ DOI ] |
[ 33 ] | Saipraneeth Gouravaraju; Jyotindra Narayan; Roger A. Sauer; Sachin Singh Gautam A Bayesian regularization-backpropagation neural network model for peeling computations The Journal of Adhesion, 2023-01-02 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 34 ] | Katharina Immel; Vu-Hieu Nguyen; Guillaume Haïat; Roger A. Sauer Modeling the debonding process of osseointegrated implants due to coupled adhesion and friction Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2023-02 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 35 ] | Eshwar J. Savitha; Roger A. Sauer A new anisotropic bending model for nonlinear shells: Comparison with existing models and isogeometric finite element implementation International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2023-04 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 36 ] | Vu, G.; Meschke, G.; Timothy, J.J.; Saenger, E.H. A virtual lab for damage identification in concrete using coda waves Life-Cycle of Structures and Infrastructure Systems - Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, IALCCE 2023, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 37 ] | Lukas Brackmann; Röttger, Arne; Bui, Hoang Giang; Butt, Sahir N.; Golnaz Hoormazdi; Sebastian Priebe; Wingender, Dennis; Yang, Hongwei; Daniel Balzani; Klaus Hackl, et al. Excavation simulations and cutting tool wear Interaction modeling in mechanized tunneling, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 38 ] | Iskhakov, Tagir; Jithender J. Timothy; Plückelmann, Sven; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Guenther Meschke Compressible cementitious composite materials Cement and concrete research, 2023-06-16 [ DOI ] |
[ 39 ] | Bui, Hoang Giang; Cao, Ba Trung; Steffen Freitag; Klaus Hackl; Guenther Meschke Surrogate modeling for interactive tunnel track design using the cut finite element method Engineering with computers, 2023-06-25 [ DOI ] |
[ 40 ] | Sahir Butt; Guenther Meschke Peridynamic simulations of rock indentation Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2023-09-25 [ DOI ] |
[ 41 ] | Yaman Zendaki; Günther Meschke Adaptive mesh refinement using Octree for finite cell simulation and its application for tunneling in saturated soils PAMM, 2023-05 [ DOI ] |
[ 42 ] | Joern Mosler; Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A.; Lackner, Roman Computational modeling of concrete structures Comprehensive structural integrity, 2023-04-28 [ DOI ] |
[ 43 ] | Ba Trung Cao; Lukas Heußner; Annika Jodehl; Markus Obel; Yara Salloum; Steffen Freitag; Markus König; Peter Mark; Günther Meschke; Markus Thewes Real-Time Simulation for Steering the Tunnel Construction Process , 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 44 ] | Abdiel Leon Bal; Guenther Meschke Two‐phase model for the excavation analysis in partially saturated soft soils using the particle finite element method International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2023-02 [ DOI ] |
[ 45 ] | Chen Xu; Ba Trung Cao; Yong Yuan; Günther Meschke Transfer learning based physics-informed neural networks for solving inverse problems in engineering structures under different loading scenarios Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2023-02 [ DOI ] |
[ 46 ] | Steffen Freitag; Edler, Philipp; Guenther Meschke; Schoen, Stefanie Artificial neural network surrogate modeling for uncertainty quantification and structural optimization of reinforced concrete structures Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2023-12-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 47 ] | Gottardi, Nicola; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Structural stress prediction based on deformations using artificial neural networks trained with artificial noise Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2023-03-24 [ DOI ] |
[ 48 ] | Gottardi, N.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G. Safety level assessment of segmental linings in rock Expanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World- Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, WTC 2023, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 49 ] | Saberi, S.; Meschke, G.; Vogel, A. The Influence of Nitsche Stabilization on Geometric Multigrid for the Finite Cell Method arXiv, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 50 ] | Neu, G.E.; Gudžulic, V.; Meschke, G. Virtual Design Laboratory for Sustainable Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structures: From Discrete Fibers to Structural Optimization Under Uncertainty RILEM Bookseries, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 51 ] | Huynh, G.D.; Zhuang, X.; Bui, H.-G.; Meschke, G.; Nguyen-Xuan, H. Elasto-plastic large deformation analysis of multi-patch thin shells by isogeometric approach arXiv, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 52 ] | Neu, Gerrit; Florian Christ; Iskhakov, Tagir; Krikelis, Christina; Diego N. Petraroia; Plückelmann, Sven; Maximilian Schoen; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Arash Alimardani Lavasan; Peter Mark, et al. Tunnel linings , 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 53 ] | Gottardi, N.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G. Structural Utilization Prediction for the Health Monitoring of Tunnel Linings by Means of an Artificial Neural Network Ensemble Structural Health Monitoring 2023: Designing SHM for Sustainability, Maintainability, and Reliability - Proceedings of the 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 2023 [ DOI ] |
[ 54 ] | Zendaki, Y.; Cao, B.T.; Alsahly, A.; Freitag, S.; Meschke, G. TunAID-Interactive simulation-based tunnel track design tool for mechanized tunneling in urban areas Expanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World- Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, WTC 2023, 2023 [ DOI ] |
2022 | |
[ 55 ] | Hoang‐Giang Bui; Jelena Ninić; Ngoc‐Anh Do; Daniel Dias; Günther Meschke A variationally consistent hyperstatic reaction method for tunnel lining design International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2022-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 56 ] | Paul, K.; Sauer, R.A. An isogeometric finite element formulation for boundary and shell viscoelasticity based on a multiplicative surface deformation split arXiv, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 57 ] | Janis Reinold; Venkatesh Naidu Nerella; Viktor Mechtcherine; Günther Meschke Extrusion process simulation and layer shape prediction during 3D-concrete-printing using the Particle Finite Element Method Automation in Construction, 2022-04 [ DOI ] |
[ 58 ] | Janis Reinold; Günther Meschke A mixed u–p edge-based smoothed particle finite element formulation for viscous flow simulations Computational Mechanics, 2022-04 [ DOI ] |
[ 59 ] | Choi, M.-J.; Klinkel, S.; Sauer, R.A. An isogeometric finite element formulation for frictionless contact of Cosserat rods with unconstrained directors arXiv, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 60 ] | Steffen Freitag; S. Peters; P. Edler; Guenther Meschke Reliability-based Optimization of Structural Topologies using Artificial Neural Networks Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2022-03 [ DOI ] |
[ 61 ] | Bockmann, Benjamin; Jithender J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke; Schulte, Tobias Ludger; Dankl, Lukas; Kucinskaite, G.; Kumar, A.; Venjakob, Arne Johannes Bone tunnel placement influences shear stresses at the coracoid process after coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction Archives of orthopaedic and trauma surgery, 2022-03-28 [ DOI ] |
[ 62 ] | Philipp Quenzel; Hauke Kröger; Boris Manin; Khiêm Ngoc Vu; Thang Xuan Duong; Thomas Gries; Mikhail Itskov; Roger A. Sauer Material characterisation of biaxial glass-fibre non-crimp fabrics as a function of ply orientation, stitch pattern, stitch length and stitch tension Journal of Composite Materials, 2022-11 [ DOI ] |
[ 63 ] | Roger A. Sauer; Thang X. Duong; Kranthi K. Mandadapu A chemo-mechano-thermodynamical contact theory for adhesion, friction, and (de)bonding reactions Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2022-04 [ DOI ] |
[ 64 ] | Hoang-Giang Bui; Dominik Schillinger; Yaman Zendaki; Günther Meschke A CutFEM based framework for numerical simulations of machine driven tunnels with arbitrary alignments Computers and Geotechnics, 2022-04 [ DOI ] |
[ 65 ] | Thang X. Duong; Mikhail Itskov; Roger A. Sauer A general isogeometric finite element formulation for rotation‐free shells with in‐plane bending of embedded fibers International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2022-07-30 [ DOI ] |
[ 66 ] | Karsten Paul; Roger A. Sauer An isogeometric finite element formulation for boundary and shell viscoelasticity based on a multiplicative surface deformation split International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2022-11-30 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 67 ] | Zou, Z.; Hughes, T.J.R.; Scott, M.A.; Miao, D.; Sauer, R.A. Efficient and robust quadratures for isogeometric analysis: Reduced Gauss and Gauss–Greville rules Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 68 ] | Choi, M.-J.; Klinkel, S.; Sauer, R.A. An isogeometric finite element formulation for frictionless contact of Cosserat rods with unconstrained directors Computational Mechanics, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 69 ] | Cao, Ba Trung; Obel, Markus; Steffen Freitag; Heußner, Lukas; Guenther Meschke; Peter Mark Real-time risk assessment of tunneling-induced building damage considering polymorphic uncertainty ASCE ASME journal of risk and uncertainty in engineering systems / A, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 70 ] | Jithender J. Timothy ; Giao Vu; Leslie Saydak; Erik H. Saenger ; Guenther Meschke Current Trends and Open Problems in Computational Mechanics Springer International Publishing, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 71 ] | Neu, Gerrit; Vladislav Gudžulić; Guenther Meschke Numerical multi-level model for fibre reinforced concrete Fibre reinforced concrete, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 72 ] | Barros, J.; Sanz, B.; Kabele, P.; Yu, R.C.; Meschke, G.; Planas, J.; Cunha, V.; Caggiano, A.; Ozyurt, N.; Gouveia, V., et al. Blind Competition on the Numerical Simulation of Steel-Fiber-Reinforced Concrete Beams Failing in Shear,Competición a ciegas de simulaciones numéricas del fallo a cortante de vigas de hormigón reforzado con fibras Hormigon y Acero, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 73 ] | P. Edler; S. Freitag; S. Schoen; G. Meschke Adaptive Surrogate Modeling Approach for Structural Optimization Under Uncertainties 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 74 ] | Bartosz Borzeszkowski; Izabela Lubowiecka; Roger A. Sauer Nonlinear material identification of heterogeneous isogeometric Kirchhoff–Love shells Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022-02 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 75 ] | Freitag, S.; Peters, S.; Edler, P.; Meschke, G. Reliability-based optimization of structural topologies using artificial neural networks Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 76 ] | Xu, C.; Cao, B.T.; Yuan, Y.; Meschke, G. Transfer learning based physics-informed neural networks for solving inverse problems in engineering structures under different loading scenarios arXiv, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 77 ] | Neu, Gerrit; Gudzulic, Vladislav; Guenther Meschke Design of steel fiber reinforced concrete tunnel lining segments by nonlinear finite-element analysis with different safety formats Computational modelling of concrete and concrete structures, 2022-05-02 [ DOI ] |
[ 78 ] | Reinold, Janis; Gudzulic, Vladislav; Guenther Meschke Fiber orientation modeling during extrusion-based 3D-concrete-printing Computational modelling of concrete and concrete structures, 2022-05-02 [ DOI ] |
[ 79 ] | J. Reinold; V. Gudzulic; Günther Meschke Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures Taylor and Francis Group, 2022-05-22 [ DOI ] |
[ 80 ] | S Saberi; G. Meschke; Andreas Vogel A restricted additive Vanka smoother for geometric multigrid Journal of Computational Physics, 2022-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 81 ] | Janis Reinold; Günther Meschke Algorithm for aging materials with evolving stiffness based on a multiplicative split Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2022-07 [ DOI ] |
[ 82 ] | Schoen, Stefanie; Edler, Philipp; Gudzulic, Vladislav; Guenther Meschke; Steffen Freitag Optimization of the corrosion initiation time of RC structures considering uncertainties Computational modelling of concrete and concrete structures, 2022-05-02 [ DOI ] |
[ 83 ] | Harmel, M.; Sauer, R.A. New hybrid quadrature schemes for weakly singular kernels applied to isogeometric boundary elements for 3D Stokes flow arXiv, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 84 ] | Bui, Hoang Giang; Cao, Ba Trung; Alsahly, Abdullah; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Real-time simulation-based interactive design for tunnel alignments International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 85 ] | C. Xu; B.T. Cao ; Guenther Meschke; Y. Yuan Physics-informed neural networks with trainable weighted loss using uncertainty: applications to inverse analysis of tunnel rings 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS Congress 2022), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 86 ] | Cao, Ba Trung; Guenther Meschke; Xu, Chen; Yuan, Y. Physics-informed neural networks with trainable weighted loss using uncertainty: applications to inverse analysis of tunnel rings The 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS Congress 2022, 5-9 June 2022, Oslo, Norway, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 87 ] | S. Schoen; P. Edler ; S. Freita; V. Gudzulic; Guenther Meschke Optimization of the corrosion initiation time of RC structures considering uncertainties Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures - Proceedings of EURO-C 2022, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 88 ] | H.G. Bui; B.T. Cao; A. Alsahly; S. Freitag; Guenther Meschke Real-time simulation-based interactive design for tunnel alignments International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 89 ] | Steffen Freitag; Cao, Ba Trung; Obel, Markus; Peter Mark; Guenther Meschke; Heussner, L. Risk assessment of tunneling induced building damage: a real-time prediction considering polymorphic uncertain data International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 90 ] | H. G. Bui ; B.T. Cao; S. Freitag ; K. Hackl; Guenther Meschke Simulation-based Tunnel Track Design using the Cut Finite Element Method 2022 Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 91 ] | Y. Zendaki; B.T. Cao; A. Alsahly ; S. Freitag; Guenther Meschke Simulation-based surrogate models for real-time tunnel lining behavior predictions International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 92 ] | Zendaki, Yaman; Cao, Ba Trung; Alsahly, Abdullah; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Simulation-based surrogate models for real-time tunnel lining behavior predictions International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 93 ] | S. Freitag ; B.T. Cao; M. Obel; L. Heussner; P. Mark ; Guenther Meschke Risk assessment of tunneling induced building damage: A real-time prediction considering polymorphic uncertain data International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 94 ] | P. Edler; S. Freitag; S. Schoen; Guenther Meschke Adaptive Surrogate Modeling Approach for Structural Optimization under Uncertainties 8th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM 2022), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 95 ] | B. Bockmann; J.J. Timothy; T. Schult; A. Venjakob; Guenther Meschke Bone tunnel placement influences shear stresses at the coracoid process after coracoclavicular ligament reconstruction- a finite element study and radiological analysis Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 96 ] | Guenther Meschke; Sahir Butt; Leon, A. Numerical modeling of cutting tool-ground interaction The 5th International Conference on Tunnelling Boring Machines in Difficult Grounds, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 97 ] | R. J. Williams; A. Alsahly; Guenther Meschke Numerical simulation of mechanized tunnelling driven through frozen soil International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 98 ] | Williams Moises, Rodolfo Javier; Alsahly, Abdullah; Guenther Meschke Numerical simulation of mechanized tunnelling driven through frozen soil International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 99 ] | S. Butt; A. Leon; Guenther Meschke Numerical modeling of cutting tool-ground interaction Proceedings of TBM DiGs 2022, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 100 ] | Sonderforschungsbereich 837 Interaktionsmodelle für den Maschinellen Tunnelbau International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN) , 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 101 ] | L. Brackmann; S. Butt; Guenther Meschke Influence of cutting disc blunting on the tunnelling efficiency and penetration rate in hard rock Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling 2022, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 102 ] | Peters, Simon; Guenther Meschke Dehydration model of cement paste for predicting the material properties at elevated temperatures 7th International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due to Fire Exposure - Proceedings, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 103 ] | S. Peters; Guenther Meschke Dehydration model of cement paste for predicting the material properties at elevated temperatures Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Concrete Spalling due do Fire Exposure, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 104 ] | Cao, Ba Trung; Guenther Meschke; Bhatia, S.; Godbole, K.; Pottmann, M.; Kroener, A. Hybrid modeling of plate fin type heat exchangers using surrogate models Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgemeinschaft Prozess-Apparate- und Anlagentechnik - PAAT 2022, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 105 ] | S. Bhatia; K. Godbole ; B.T. Cao; M. Pottmann; A. Kroener; Guenther Meschke Hybrid Modeling of Plate Fin Type Heat Exchangers using Surrogate Models Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgemeinschaft Prozess-Apparate- und Anlagentechnik - PAAT 2022, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 106 ] | Gottardi, Nicola; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Structural health assessment of segmental lining International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 107 ] | Guenther Meschke; Bui, Hoang Giang; Cao, Ba Trung; Steffen Freitag; Klaus Hackl Simulation-based Tunnel Track Design using the Cut Finite Element Method Annual Conference of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics (UKACM 2022), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 108 ] | N. Gottardi; S. Freitag; Guenther Meschke Structural health assessment of segmental lining International Conference on Computational Methods and Information Models in Tunneling (EURO:TUN), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 109 ] | B. T. Cao; N. Gottardi ; S. Freitag; Guenther Meschke Tunnel Lining Deformation Prediction Using Limited Measurements and Gappy Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2022), 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 110 ] | Breitenbücher, Rolf; Steffen Freitag; Markus König; Arash Alimardani Lavasan; Peter Mark; Guenther Meschke; Röttger, Arne; Salmen, Jan; Britta Schoesser; Markus Thewes, et al. Überführung der Grundlagenforschung in tunnelbaupraktische Anwendungen Tunnel, 2022 [ DOI ] |
[ 111 ] | Cao, Ba Trung; Gottardi, Nicola; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Tunnel lining deformation prediction using limited measurements and Gappy proper orthogonal decomposition 15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM-XV), 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM-VIII), 2022 [ DOI ] |
2021 | |
[ 112 ] | S. Freitag; S. Peters; P. Edler; Guenther Meschke Topology Optimization with Polymorphic Uncertainties using Artificial Neural Networks Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC 2021), 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 113 ] | Guenther Meschke; Heiland, Dieter; Berg-Jahnke, Roland Erschütterungsprognose für dynamische Verdichtungsgeräte unter Berücksichtigung der bodenabhängigen Kraftemission Bauingenieur, 2021-04-28 [ DOI ] |
[ 114 ] | Vijaya Holla; Jithender J. Timothy; Günther Meschke Computational analysis of the influence of drusen growth on the morphology of RPE due to Age‐related Macular Degeneration Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(PAMM), 2021-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 115 ] | Sahir Butt; Günther Meschke Interaction of cutting disc with heterogeneous ground PAMM, 2021-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 116 ] | Jelena Ninic; Abdullah Alsahly; Andre Vonthron; Hoang-Giang Bui; Christian Koch; Markus König; Günther Meschke From digital models to numerical analysis for mechanised tunnelling: A fully automated design-through-analysis workflow Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 117 ] | Ahmed Marwan; Vojtech Ernst Gall; Abdullah Alsahly; Günther Meschke Structural forces in segmental linings: process-oriented tunnel advance simulations vs. conventional structural analysis Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021-05 [ DOI ] |
[ 118 ] | Butt, Sahir Nawaz; Yang, Hongwei; Golnaz Hoormazdi; Guenther Meschke; Vogel, Andreas; Röttger, Arne; Daniel Balzani; Inka Mueller; Wingender, Dennis; Brackmann, Lukas, et al. Soil excavation and tool wear Tunnel, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 119 ] | Edler, Philipp; Steffen Freitag; Roskosch, Stefanie; Guenther Meschke Shifted Interval Method - an efficient and robust Approach for Constraint Optimization considering Interval Parameters UNCECOMP 2021: Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 120 ] | Markus König; Markus Thewes; Guenther Meschke; Peter Mark; Alsahly, Abdullah; Obel, Markus; Bui, Hoang Giang; Jodehl, Annika; Andre Vonthron; Yara Salloum, et al. Prozessorientierte numerische Vortriebsmodellierung Tunnel, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 121 ] | Giao Vu; Fabian Diewald; Jithender J. Timothy; Christoph Gehlen; Günther Meschke Reduced Order Multiscale Simulation of Diffuse Damage in Concrete , 2021-06-28 [ DOI ] |
[ 122 ] | P. Edler; S. Freitag; S. Roskosch ; Guenther Meschke Shifted Interval Method - An efficient and robust Approach for Constraint Optimization considering Interval Parameters Proceedings of the 4th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2021), 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 123 ] | Jithender J. Timothy; Vijaya Holla; Günther Meschke Multiscale modeling of Retinal Hypoxia due to Age‐related Macular Degeneration Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(PAMM), 2021-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 124 ] | Steffen Freitag; Peters, Simon; Edler, Philipp; Guenther Meschke Topology optimization with polymorphic uncertainties using artificial neural networks REC 2021, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 125 ] | Ildar Khisamitov; Günther Meschke Variational interface element model for 2D and 3D hydraulic fracturing simulations Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 126 ] | Claudia Finger; Leslie Saydak; Giao Vu; Jithender J. Timothy; Günther Meschke; Erik H. Saenger Sensitivity of Ultrasonic Coda Wave Interferometry to Material Damage - Observations from a Virtual Concrete Lab , 2021-07-08 [ DOI ] |
[ 127 ] | Vijaya Holla; Giao Vu; Jithender J. Timothy; Fabian Diewald; Christoph Gehlen; Günther Meschke Computational Generation of Virtual Concrete Mesostructures Materials, 2021-07-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 128 ] | Claudia Finger; Leslie Saydak; Giao Vu; Jithender J. Timothy; Günther Meschke; Erik H. Saenger Sensitivity of Ultrasonic Coda Wave Interferometry to Material Damage—Observations from a Virtual Concrete Lab Materials, 2021-07-19 [ DOI ] |
[ 129 ] | Giao Vu; Fabian Diewald; Jithender J. Timothy; Christoph Gehlen; Günther Meschke Reduced Order Multiscale Simulation of Diffuse Damage in Concrete Materials, 2021-07-08 [ DOI ] |
[ 130 ] | S. Roskosch ; S. Freitag; P. Edler; Guenther Meschke Optimizing the concrete cover of RC structures considering polymorphic uncertainty in multiphysics simulations Proceedings of the 4th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2021), 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 131 ] | Giao Vu; Jithender J. Timothy; Divya S. Singh; Leslie Saydak; Erik H. Saenger; Günther Meschke Numerical Simulation Based Damage Identification in Concrete , 2021-07-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 132 ] | Poria S. Saberi; C. Koenig (Author); Günther Meschke A hysteresis model for the unfrozen liquid content in freezing porous media Computers and Geotechnics, 2021-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 133 ] | Tagir Iskhakov; Jithender J. Timothy; Miguel Bessa; Günther Meschke Reduced order voxel‐based model for computational modelling of highly compressible composite materials Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2021-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 134 ] | Guenther Meschke; Butt, Sahir Nawaz Influence of dimensionality and specimen size on dynamic fracture Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2021-01-25 [ DOI ] |
[ 135 ] | Vu, Giao; Iskhakov, Tagir; Jithender J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke Multiscale modeling of distributed microcracking in concrete Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2021-01-25 [ DOI ] |
[ 136 ] | Sahir N. Butt; Günther Meschke Peridynamic analysis of dynamic fracture: influence of peridynamic horizon, dimensionality and specimen size Computational Mechanics, 2021-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 137 ] | Vladislav Gudžulić; Gerrit E. Neu; Günther Meschke Numerical analysis of plain and fiber reinforced concrete structures during cyclic loading: Influence of frictional sliding and crack roughness Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2021-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 138 ] | Mergel, J.C.; Scheibert, J.; Sauer, R.A. Contact with coupled adhesion and friction: Computational framework, applications, and new insights Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2021 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 139 ] | Saberi, P.S.; König, C.; Meschke, G. Corrigendum to “A hysteresis model for the unfrozen liquid content in freezing porous media” [Comput. Geotech. 134 (2021) 104048] (Computers and Geotechnics (2021) 134, (S0266352X21000513), (10.1016/j.compgeo.2021.104048)) Computers and Geotechnics, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 140 ] | Fang, Y.; Ninic, J.; Meschke, G.; König, M.; Zhang, Q. Forward: Information modelling of tunnelling and underground infrastructure: Technology and applications Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 141 ] | Guenther Meschke; Marjanović, Miroslav; Damnjanović, Emilija Object-oriented framework for 3D bending and free vibration analysis of multilayer plates Composite structures, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 142 ] | Sebastian Priebe; Lukas Brackmann; Ahmad Alabd-Allah; Sahir Butt; Arne Röttger; Günther Meschke; Inka Mueller Comparison of Hilbert Transform and Complex Demodulation for Defect Identification in Cutting Discs using Vibration-Based Feature Extraction , 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 143 ] | Guenther Meschke; Bezuijen, Adam; Dang, T.S. Asymmetric pressure distribution in EPB shields Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 144 ] | Saberi, S.; Meschke, G.; Vogel, A. A restricted additive Vanka smoother for geometric multigrid arXiv, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 145 ] | Saberi, S.; Meschke, G.; Vogel, A. Adaptive geometric multigrid for the mixed finite cell formulation of Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations arXiv, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 146 ] | Ba-Trung Cao; Amal Saadallah; Alexey Egorov; Steffen Freitag; Günther Meschke; Katharina Morik Online Geological Anomaly Detection Using Machine Learning in Mechanized Tunneling Challenges and Innovations in Geomechanics, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 147 ] | Alsahly, A.; Marwan, A.; Obel, M.; Mark, P.; Meschke, G. Soil-Building Interaction and Risk Assessment of Existing Structures During Mechanized Tunneling Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 148 ] | Niklas Schäfer; Vladislav Gudžulić; Rolf Breitenbücher; Günther Meschke Experimental and Numerical Investigations on High Performance SFRC: Cyclic Tensile Loading and Fatigue Materials, 2021-12-10 [ DOI ] |
[ 149 ] | Tagir Iskhakov; Colin Giebson; Jithender J. Timothy; Horst M. Ludwig; Günther Meschke Deterioration of concrete due to ASR: Experiments and multiscale modeling Cement and Concrete Research, 2021-11 [ DOI ] |
[ 150 ] | Giao Vu; Jithender J. Timothy; Divya S. Singh; Leslie A. Saydak; Erik H. Saenger; Günther Meschke Numerical Simulation-Based Damage Identification in Concrete Modelling, 2021-08-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 151 ] | Vu, Giao; Jithender J. Timothy; Saenger, Erik H.; Guenther Meschke Damage identification in concrete using multiscale computational modeling and convolutional neural networks Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2021-12-14 [ DOI ] |
[ 152 ] | Vladislav Gudžulić; Günther Meschke Multi‐level approach for modelling the post‐cracking response of steel fibre reinforced concrete under monotonic and cyclic loading Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics(PAMM), 2021-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 153 ] | Raul Durand; Marcio Muniz de Farias; D.M. Pedroso; G. Meschke A rod-solid interface element for reinforced materials without the need for mesh compatibility Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2021-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 154 ] | Tagir Iskhakov; Jithender J. Timothy; Günther Meschke Computational modelling of compressible cementitious composite materials Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2021-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 155 ] | A. Bezuijen; T.S. Dang; Guenther Meschke Asymmetric pressure distribution in EPB shields: Evaluation of measurements and numerical simulations Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft ground, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 156 ] | A. Bezuijen ; T.S. Dang; Guenther Meschke Asymmetric pressure distribution in EPB shields: Evaluation of measurements and numerical simulations Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 157 ] | Duong, T.X.; Itskov, M.; Sauer, R.A. A general isogeometric finite element formulation for rotation-free shells with embedded fibers and in-plane bending arXiv, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 158 ] | Vijaya Holla; Giao Vu; Jithender J. Timothy; Fabian Diewald; Christoph Gehlen; Günther Meschke Computational Generation of Virtual Concrete Mesostructures , 2021-06-28 [ DOI ] |
[ 159 ] | Gouravaraju, S.; Sauer, R.A.; Gautam, S.S. Investigating the normal and tangential peeling behaviour of gecko spatulae using a coupled adhesion-friction model Journal of Adhesion, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 160 ] | G. Vu; J.J. Timothy; Erik H. Saenger; Guenther Meschke Damage identification in concrete using multiscale computational modeling and convolutional neural networks Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 161 ] | Guenther Meschke; Thewes, Markus; Markus König; Peter Mark; Steffen Freitag; Cao, Ba Trung; Obel, Markus; Jodehl, Annika; Andre Vonthron; Yara Salloum, et al. Echtzeitsimulationen zur vortriebsbegleitenden Prozesssteuerung Tunnel, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 162 ] | M. Marjanovic ; Guenther Meschke; E. Damnjanovic Object-oriented framework for 3D bending and free vibration analysis of multilayer plates: Application to cross-laminated timber and soft-core sandwich panels Composite Structures, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 163 ] | Guenther Meschke; S. Butt Influence of dimensionality and specimen size on dynamic fracture Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 164 ] | Borzeszkowski, B.; Duong, T.X.; Sauer, R.A.; Lubowiecka, I. Isogeometric Shell Analysis of the Human Abdominal Wall Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 165 ] | Borzeszkowski, B.; Lubowiecka, I.; Sauer, R.A. Nonlinear material identification of heterogeneous isogeometric Kirchhoff-Love shells arXiv, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 166 ] | Z. Zou; T.J.R. Hughes; M.A. Scott; R.A. Sauer; E.J. Savitha Galerkin formulations of isogeometric shell analysis: Alleviating locking with Greville quadratures and higher-order elements Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021-07 [ DOI ] |
[ 167 ] | Leon, A.R.; Meschke, G. ADAPTIVE TWO-PHASE PARTICLE FINITE ELEMENT MODEL FOR SOFT SOIL EXCAVATIONS IN PARTIALLY SATURATED SOILS 9th International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2021, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 168 ] | Katharina Immel; Vu-Hieu Nguyen; Arnaud Dubory; Charles-Henri Flouzat–Lachaniette; Roger A. Sauer; Guillaume Haïat Determinants of the primary stability of cementless acetabular cup implants: A 3D finite element study Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2021-08 [ DOI ] |
[ 169 ] | Myung-Jin Choi; Roger A. Sauer; Sven Klinkel An isogeometric finite element formulation for geometrically exact Timoshenko beams with extensible directors Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2021-11 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 170 ] | Gouravaraju, S.; Sauer, R.A.; Gautam, S.S. On the presence of a critical detachment angle in gecko spatula peeling - a numerical investigation using an adhesive friction model Journal of Adhesion, 2021 [ DOI ] |
[ 171 ] | Kumar, P.; Sauer, R.A.; Saxena, A. On topology optimization of large deformation contact-aided shape morphing compliant mechanisms Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2021 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 172 ] | Roskosch, Stefanie; Steffen Freitag; Edler, Philipp; Guenther Meschke Optimizing the concrete cover of RC structures considering polymorphic uncertainty in multiphysics simulations UNCECOMP 2021: Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, 2021 [ DOI ] |
2020 | |
[ 173 ] | G. Neu; V. Gudzulic ; Guenther Meschke Numerical Multi-Level Model For Fibre Reinforced Concrete: Validation And Comparison With Fib-Model Code RILEM-fib X International Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete (BEFIB2020), 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 174 ] | Karsten Paul; Christopher Zimmermann; Kranthi K. Mandadapu; Thomas J. R. Hughes; Chad M. Landis; Roger A. Sauer An adaptive space-time phase field formulation for dynamic fracture of brittle shells based on LR NURBS Computational Mechanics, 2020-04-21 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 175 ] | Amaresh Sahu; Yannick A.D. Omar; Roger A. Sauer; Kranthi K. Mandadapu Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian finite element method for curved and deforming surfaces Journal of Computational Physics, 2020-04 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 176 ] | Steffen Freitag; Edler, Philipp; Kremer, Katharina; Guenther Meschke Multilevel surrogate modeling approach for optimization problems with polymorphic uncertain parameters International journal of approximate reasoning, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 177 ] | Saberi, S.; Vogel, A.; Meschke, G. Parallel finite cell method with adaptive geometric multigrid Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 178 ] | Ba-Trung Cao; Markus Obel; Steffen Freitag; Peter Mark; Guenther Meschke Real-time Reliability Analysis of Tunneling-induced Building Damage Proceedings of The Seventh Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and Its Applications (APSSRA2020), 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 179 ] | Katharina Immel; Thang X. Duong; Vu-Hieu Nguyen; Guillaume Haïat; Roger A. Sauer A modified Coulomb’s law for the tangential debonding of osseointegrated implants Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2020-06-08 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 180 ] | Karsten Paul; Christopher Zimmermann; Thang X. Duong; Roger A. Sauer Isogeometric continuity constraints for multi-patch shells governed by fourth-order deformation and phase field models Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020-10 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 181 ] | Paul, K.; Zimmermann, C.; Duong, T.X.; Sauer, R.A. Isogeometric continuity constraints for multi-patch shells governed by fourth-order deformation and phase field models arXiv, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 182 ] | I. Khisamitov; Guenther Meschke Variational interface element model for 2D and 3D hydraulic fracturing simulations Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 183 ] | Gouravaraju, S.; Sauer, R.A.; Gautam, S.S. On the presence of a critical detachment angle in gecko spatula peeling - A numerical investigation using an adhesive friction model arXiv, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 184 ] | Kumar, P.; Sauer, R.A.; Saxena, A. On topology optimization of large deformation contact-aided shape morphing compliant mechanisms arXiv, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 185 ] | Giao Vu; Tagir Iskhakov; Jithender Timothy; Christoph Schulte-Schrepping; Rolf Breitenbücher; Günther Meschke Cementitious Composites with High Compaction Potential: Modeling and Calibration Materials, 2020-11-05 [ DOI ] |
[ 186 ] | Jelena Ninić; Hoang Giang Bui; Günther Meschke BIM-to-IGA: A fully automatic design-through-analysis workflow for segmented tunnel linings Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2020-10 [ DOI ] |
[ 187 ] | ; S. Freitag ; P. Edler; K. Kremer ; M. Hofmann ; G. Meschke {Minimierung von Rissweiten in Stahlbetontragwerken unter Berücksichtigung polymorph unscharfer Parameter Baustatik-Baupraxis 14, 2020-03-02 [ DOI ] |
[ 188 ] | Vladislav Gudžulic; Gerrit Emanuel Neu; Gregor Gebuhr; Steffen Anders; Günther Meschke Numerisches Mehrebenen‐Modell für Stahlfaserbeton: Von der Faser‐ zur Bauteilebene Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 2020-02 [ DOI ] |
[ 189 ] | Abdiel Ramon Leon Bal; Thai Son Dang; Günther Meschke A 3D particle finite element model for the simulation of soft soil excavation using hypoplasticity Computational Particle Mechanics, 2020-01-27 [ DOI ] |
[ 190 ] | Steffen Freitag; Kremer, Katharina; Edler, Philipp; Hofmann, Michael; Guenther Meschke Structural reliability and durability assessment of reinforced concrete structures Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2020-01-23 [ DOI ] |
[ 191 ] | Hoang-Giang Bui; Günther Meschke A parallelization strategy for hydro-mechanically coupled mechanized tunneling simulations Computers and Geotechnics, 2020-04 [ DOI ] |
[ 192 ] | Thai Son Dang; Günther Meschke Influence of muck properties and chamber design on pressure distribution in EPB pressure chambers – Insights from computational flow simulations Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020-05 [ DOI ] |
[ 193 ] | Hoang-Giang Bui; Dominik Schillinger; Günther Meschke Efficient cut-cell quadrature based on moment fitting for materially nonlinear analysis Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2020-07 [ DOI ] |
[ 194 ] | Janis Reinold; Venkatesh Naidu Nerella; Viktor Mechtcherine; Günther Meschke Extrusion Process Simulation and Layer Shape Prediction during 3D-Concrete-Printing Using The Particle Finite Element Method , 2020-07-30 [ DOI ] |
[ 195 ] | G.D. Huynh; X. Zhuang; H.G. Bui; G. Meschke; H. Nguyen-Xuan Elasto-plastic large deformation analysis of multi-patch thin shells by isogeometric approach Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2020-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 196 ] | Jithender J. Timothy; Vijaya Holla; Günther Meschke Multiscale dynamics of COVID-19 and model-based recommendations for 105 countries , 2020-06-07 [ DOI ] |
[ 197 ] | Mergel, J.C.; Scheibert, J.; Sauer, R.A. Contact with coupled adhesion and friction: Computational framework, applications, and new insights arXiv, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 198 ] | Omar, Y.A.D.; Sahu, A.; Sauer, R.A.; Mandadapu, K.K. Nonaxisymmetric Shapes of Biological Membranes from Locally Induced Curvature Biophysical Journal, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 199 ] | A. Alsahly; F. Hegemann; M. könig; Guenther Meschke Integrated BIM-to-FEM approach in mechanised tunneling Geomechanics and Tunneling, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 200 ] | Guenther Meschke; Steffen Freitag; Alsahly, Abdullah; Cao, Ba Trung Computergestützte Simulationen im maschinellen Tunnelbau - vom Design zur Vortriebssteuerung Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis 14 : 23. und 24. März 2020, Universität Stuttgart, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 201 ] | P. Edler; S. Freitag; Guenther Meschke Combination of shifted interval method and multilevel surrogate modelling strategy for optimization problems considering polymorphic uncertainties {7th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management (ISRERM 2020), 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 202 ] | Mokhalingam, A.; Ghaffari, R.; Sauer, R.A.; Gupta, S.S. Comparing quantum, molecular and continuum models for graphene at large deformations Carbon, 2020 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 203 ] | Steffen Freitag; Edler, Philipp; Kremer, Katharina; Hofmann, Michael; Guenther Meschke Minimierung von Rissweiten in Stahlbetontragwerken unter Berücksichtigung polymorph unscharfer Parameter Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis 14 : 23. und 24. März 2020, Universität Stuttgart, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 204 ] | G. Vu; T. Iskhakov; J.J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke Multiscale modeling of distributed microcracking in concrete Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 205 ] | A. Alsahly; A. Marwan; M. Obel; P. Mark; Guenther Meschke Soil-Building interaction and risk assessment of existing structures during mechanized tunneling IACMAG 2020, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 206 ] | A. Bezuijen; Guenther Meschke Pressure distribution in the mixing chamber of an EBP shield ITA-AITES World Tunnel Digital Congress and Exhibition (WTC) 2020, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 207 ] | Guenther Meschke; Bezuijen, Adam Pressure distribution in the mixing chamber of an EBP shield ITA-AITES world tunnel congress (WTC) 2020 and 46th general assembly, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 208 ] | S. Saberi; A. Vogel; Guenther Meschke Parallel finite cell method with adaptive geometric multigrid Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 209 ] | Neu, Gerrit Emanuel; Alsahly, Abdullah; Marwan, Ahmed; Guenther Meschke Beanspruchung segmentierter Tunnelschalen infolge maschineller Vortriebe entlang gekrümmter Trassen Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis 14 : 23. und 24. März 2020, Universität Stuttgart, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 210 ] | Edler, Philipp; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Combination of shifted interval method and multilevel surrogate modelling strategy for optimization problems considering polymorphic uncertainties 7th International Symposium on Reliability Engineering and Risk Management, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 211 ] | S. Freitag; S. Peters; P. Edler; Guenther Meschke Artificial neural networks for topology optimization considering polymorphic uncertainty 6th GAMM AG Data Workshop -- Data-driven Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Microstructured Materials, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 212 ] | Duong, T.X.; Khiêm, V.N.; Itskov, M.; Sauer, R.A. A general theory for anisotropic Kirchhoff-Love shells with embedded fibers and in-plane bending arXiv, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 213 ] | Ghaffari, R.; Sauer, R.A. A nonlinear thermomechanical formulation for anisotropic volume and surface continua Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 214 ] | Choia, M.-J.; Sauer, R.A.; Klinkel, S. An isogeometric finite element formulation for geometrically exact Timoshenko beams with extensible directors arXiv, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 215 ] | Gouravaraju, S.; Narayan, J.; Sauer, R.A.; Gautam, S.S. A Bayesian regularization-backpropagation neural network model for peeling computations arXiv, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 216 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Duong, T.X.; Mandadapu, K.K. A chemo-mechano-thermodynamical contact theory for adhesion, friction and (de)bonding reactions arXiv, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 217 ] | Alsahly, A.; Hegemann, F.; König, M.; Meschke, G. Integrated BIM-to-FEM approach in mechanised tunnelling Geomechanik und Tunnelbau, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 218 ] | Steffen Freitag; Edler, Philipp; Roskosch, Stefanie; Guenther Meschke Artificial neural network surrogate modeling for structural optimization under polymorphic uncertainty , 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 219 ] | Steffen Freitag; Peters, Simon; Edler, Philipp; Guenther Meschke Artificial neural networks for topology optimization considering polymorphic uncertainty 6th GAMM AG Data Workshop, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 220 ] | Cao, B.T.; Obel, M.; Freitag, S.; Mark, P.; Meschke, G. Artificial neural network surrogate modelling for real-time predictions and control of building damage during mechanised tunnelling Advances in Engineering Software, 2020 [ DOI ] |
[ 221 ] | Joaquim Barros; Beatriz Sanz; Petr Kabele; Rena C. Yu; Günther Meschke; Jaime Planas; Vitor Cunha; Antonio Caggiano; Nilüfer Ozyurt; Ventura Gouveia, et al. Blind competition on the numerical simulation of steel‐fiber‐reinforced concrete beams failing in shear Structural Concrete, 2020 [ DOI ] |
2019 | |
[ 222 ] | Abdiel Leon Bal; Thai Son Dang; Günther Meschke Extended hypoplastic model incorporating the coordination number for the simulation of granular flow PAMM, 2019-11 [ DOI ] |
[ 223 ] | Philipp Edler; Steffen Freitag; Katharina Kremer; Günther Meschke Optimization Approaches for the Numerical Design of Structures Under Consideration of Polymorphic Uncertain Data ASCE-ASME Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems, Part B: Mechanical Engineering, 2019-12-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 224 ] | Günther Meschke; Gerrit Emanuel Neu; Ahmed Marwan Robust segmental lining design – Potentials of advanced numerical simulations for the design of TBM driven tunnels Geomechanics and Tunnelling, 2019-10 [ DOI ] |
[ 225 ] | Niklas Schäfer; Vladislav Gudžulić; Jithender J. Timothy; Rolf Breitenbücher; Günther Meschke Fatigue behavior of HPC and FRC under cyclic tensile loading: Experiments and modeling Structural Concrete, 2019-08 [ DOI ] |
[ 226 ] | Janis Reinold; Günther Meschke Particle Finite Element Simulation of Fresh Cement Paste – Inspired by Additive Manufacturing Techniques PAMM, 2019-11 [ DOI ] |
[ 227 ] | Guenther Meschke; Steffen Freitag; Edler, Philipp; Kremer, Katharina; Hofmann, M. Optimization of structures under consideration of polymorphic uncertain parameters , 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 228 ] | Ninic, Jelena; Bui, Hoang Giang; Koch, Christian; Guenther Meschke Computationally efficient simulation in urban mechanized tunneling based on multilevel BIM models Journal of computing in civil engineering, 2019-02-13 [ DOI ] |
[ 229 ] | Tagir Iskhakov; Jithender J. Timothy; Günther Meschke Expansion and deterioration of concrete due to ASR: Micromechanical modeling and analysis Cement and Concrete Research, 2019-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 230 ] | J. Ninic; H. G. Bui; Guenther Meschke Parametric Design and Isogeometric Analysis of Tunnel Linings within the Building Information Modelling Framework , 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 231 ] | Reinold, Janis; Jithender J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke Particle finite element simulation for additive manufacturing processes of fresh concrete 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 232 ] | Kremer, Katharina; Edler, Philipp; Niklas Miska; Daniel Balzani; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke; Leichsenring, Ferenc; Graf, Wolfgang; Kaliske, Michael Modeling of structures with polymorphic uncertainties at different length scales GAMM-Mitteilungen, 2019-03-08 [ DOI ] |
[ 233 ] | Edler, Philipp; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke; Mäck, Markus; Caylak, Ismail; Hanss, Michael; Mahnken, Rolf; Penner, Eduard Optimization with constraints considering polymorphic uncertainties GAMM-Mitteilungen, 2019-03-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 234 ] | Ildar Khisamitov; Günther Meschke Configurational-force interface model for brittle fracture propagation Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019-07 [ DOI ] |
[ 235 ] | Steffen Freitag; Ba-Trung Cao; Günther Meschke Real-Time Reliability Analysis in Mechanized Tunneling Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP13), 2019-05-26 [ DOI ] |
[ 236 ] | G. Meschke; B.T. Cao; S. Freitag; A. Egorov; A. Saadallah; K. Morik Big data and simulation – A new approach for real-time TBM steering Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art, 2019-04-17 [ DOI ] |
[ 237 ] | Guenther Meschke; J. Reinold; J.J. Timothy; G. Meschke Particle Finite Element Simulation for Additive Manufacturing Processes of Fresh Concrete Proceedings of the 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 238 ] | Guenther Meschke; Reinold, Janis; Nerella, V.N.; Mechtcherine, V. Particle finite element simulation of extrusion processes of fresh concrete during 3D-concrete-printing Sim-AM 2019 : II International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 239 ] | Guenther Meschke; S. Butt Peridynamic horizon-effects on wave dispersion and crack propagation velocity Proceedings of the COMPLAS 2019, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 240 ] | Freitag, S.; Cao, B.T.; Meschke, G. Real-time reliability analysis in mechanized tunneling 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP 2019, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 241 ] | G.E. Neu; V.E. Gall; Guenther Meschke Robust segmental lining design combining steel fiber reinforced concrete and traditional reinforcement Tunnels and Underground Cities. Engineering and Innovation Meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art, Proceedings of the WTC 2019 ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress (WTC 2019), 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 242 ] | A. Marwan ; A. Alsahly; M. Obel; P. Mark; Guenther Meschke Soil-building interaction in mechanized tunneling: A comparison of modeling approaches Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 243 ] | Sahir Butt; Guenther Meschke Peridynamic horizon-effects on wave dispersion and crack propagation velocity COMPLAS 2019, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 244 ] | S. Butt; Guenther Meschke Peridynamic analysis of dynamic fracture processes in brittle solids Proceedings of the CFRAC 2019, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 245 ] | Reinold, J.; Nerella, V.N.; Mechtcherine, V.; Meschke, G. Particle finite element simulation of extrusion processes of fresh concrete during 3D-concrete-printing 2nd International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing, Sim-AM 2019, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 246 ] | J. Reinold; V.N. Nerella; V. Mechtcherine; Guenther Meschke Particle Finite Element Simulation of Extrusion Processes of Fresh Concrete During 3D-Concrete-Printing II International Conference on Simulation for Additive Manufacturing - Sim-AM 2019, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 247 ] | Sahir Butt; Guenther Meschke Peridynamic analysis of dynamic fracture processes in brittle solids 6th International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure of Materials and Structures, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 248 ] | K. Kremer; P. Edler; S. Freitag; Guenther Meschke Sub-Modeling Approach to Investigate the Cracking Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Structures Considering Polymorphic Uncertainty Proceedings of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference -- Computational Methods in Multi-Scale, Multi-Uncertainty and Multi-Physics Problems (CM4P), 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 249 ] | A. Alsahly; A. Marwan; Guenther Meschke TBM drive along curved alignments: Model based prognosis of shield movement Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 250 ] | A. Alsahly; C. Callari; Guenther Meschke Numerical Assessment of Face Stability in Mechanized Tunneling: Application of EAS Formulation for the prediction of failure mechanism ETS Tunneling and undergorund Construction Conference 2019, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 251 ] | T. Iskhakov; J.J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke Multiscale modeling of ion transport and ASR induced damage in concrete structures 10th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (FramCoS-X), 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 252 ] | A. Marwan; M. Zaki Abdelrehim; Guenther Meschke Evaluation of loads acting on segmental lining from process-oriented tunnel advance simulations ETS Tunneling and Underground construction conference 2019, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 253 ] | Guenther Meschke; Marwan, A.; Abdelrehim, M. Zaki Evaluation of loads acting on segmental lining from process-oriented tunnel advance simulations ETS tunnelling and underground construction conference & exhibition, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 254 ] | Edler, Philipp; Steffen Freitag; Kremer, Katharina; Hofmann, Michael; Guenther Meschke Optimization of reinforced concrete structures under consideration of scale bridging uncertainties UNCECOMP 2019 - Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 255 ] | P. Edler; S. Freitag; K Kremer; M. Hofmann; Guenther Meschke Optimization of reinforced concrete structures under consideration of scale bridging uncertainties Proceedings of the 3rd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2019), 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 256 ] | Ninic, Jelena; Bui, Hoang Giang; Guenther Meschke Parametric design and isogeometric analysis of tunnel linings within the building information modelling framework EG-ICE 2019, Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 257 ] | S. Freitag; P. Edler; K. Kremer; M. Hofmann; Guenther Meschke Optimization of structures under consideration of polymorphic uncertain parameters 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Optimization in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (CIVIL-COMP-OPTI 2019), 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 258 ] | Guenther Meschke; Kremer, Katharina; Edler, Philipp; Steffen Freitag Sub-modeling approach to investigate the cracking behavior of reinforced concrete structures considering polymorphic uncertainty Computational Methods in Multi-Scale, Multi-Uncertainty and Multi-Physics Problems, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 259 ] | M. Williams; Guenther Meschke Computational modelling of creep and rate dependent strength of freezing soils 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics For Young Scientists From Academia and Industry, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 260 ] | Williams , Rodolfo Javier Moises; Guenther Meschke Computational modelling of creep and rate dependent strength of freezing soils 8th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 261 ] | Guenther Meschke; Sahir Butt; Allah, A. Alabd; Mueller, I. Computational analysis of cutting-disc-rock interaction in heterogeneous ground conditions The 4th International Conference on Tunnelling Boring Machines in Difficult Grounds, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 262 ] | B.T. Cao; M. Obel; S. Freitag; Guenther Meschke; P. Mark Artificial neural networks for real-time prediction of soil-structure interaction in mechanized tunneling 5th International Conference on Soft Computing and Optimization in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering (CIVIL-COMP-OPTI 2019), 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 263 ] | Alsahly, Abdullah; Marwan, Ahmed; Guenther Meschke TBM drive along curved alignments Tunnels and underground cities, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 264 ] | S. Butt ; A. Alabd Allah; I. Mueller; Guenther Meschke Computational analysis of cutting-disc-rock interaction in heterogeneous ground conditions Proceedings of TBM DiGs 2019, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 265 ] | A. Marwan; M. Zaki Abdelrehim; Guenther Meschke Computational Modelin of Mechanized Tunnel lining: A comparison of modeling approaches ETS Tunneling and Undergorund Construction Conference 2019, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 266 ] | S. Butt; Guenther Meschke Computational Modeling of Rock excavation with TBM disc cutters ETS Tunneling and Underground Construction Conference 2019, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 267 ] | Sahir Butt; Guenther Meschke Computational Modeling of Rock excavation with TBM disc cutters ETS tunnelling and underground construction conference & exhibition, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 268 ] | Guenther Meschke; Marwan, Ahmed; Abdelrehim, M. Zaki Computational modeling of mechanized tunnel lining: a comparison of modeling approaches ETS tunnelling and underground construction conference & exhibition, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 269 ] | Ninic, J.; Bui, H.G.; Meschke, G. Parametric design and isogeometric analysis of tunnel linings within the building information modelling framework CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 270 ] | Guenther Meschke; Alsahly, Abdullah; Callari, C. Numerical assessment of face stability in mechanized tunneling: application of EAS formulation for the prediction of failure mechanism ETS tunnelling and underground construction conference & exhibition, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 271 ] | Gouravaraju, S.; Sauer, R.A.; Gautam, S.S. Investigating the normal and tangential peeling behaviour of gecko spatulae using a coupled adhesion-friction model arXiv, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 272 ] | Kumar, P.; Saxena, A.; Sauer, R.A. Computational synthesis of large deformation compliant mechanisms undergoing self and mutual contact Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 2019 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 273 ] | Mokhalingam, A.; Ghaffari, R.; Sauer, R.A.; Gupta, S.S. Comparing quantum, molecular and continuum models for graphene at large deformations arXiv, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 274 ] | Steffen Freitag; Katharina Kremer; Philipp Edler; Michael Hofmann; Günther Meschke Structural Reliability and Durability Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Structures Proceedings of the 29th European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL), 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 275 ] | Giovanni Della Puppa; Roger A. Sauer; Martin Trautz A Unified Representation of Folded Surfaces via Fourier Series Nexus Network Journal, 2019-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 276 ] | Roger A. Sauer; Reza Ghaffari; Anurag Gupta The multiplicative deformation split for shells with application to growth, chemical swelling, thermoelasticity, viscoelasticity and elastoplasticity International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2019-11 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 277 ] | Paul, K.; Zimmermann, C.; Mandadapu, K.K.; Hughes, T.J.R.; Landis, C.M.; Sauer, R.A. An adaptive space-time phase field formulation for dynamic fracture of brittle shells based on LR NURBS arXiv, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 278 ] | Christopher Zimmermann; Deepesh Toshniwal; Chad M. Landis; Thomas J.R. Hughes; Kranthi K. Mandadapu; Roger A. Sauer An isogeometric finite element formulation for phase transitions on deforming surfaces Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019-07 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 279 ] | Reza Ghaffari; Farzad Shirazian; Ming Hu; Roger A. Sauer A nonlinear hyperelasticity model for single layer blue phosphorus based on ab initio calculations Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2019-09-27 [ DOI ] |
[ 280 ] | Janine C. Mergel; Riad Sahli; Julien Scheibert; Roger A. Sauer Continuum contact models for coupled adhesion and friction The Journal of Adhesion, 2019-10-15 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 281 ] | Duong, T.X.; De Lorenzis, L.; Sauer, R.A. A segmentation-free isogeometric extended mortar contact method Computational Mechanics, 2019 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 282 ] | Omar, Y.A.D.; Sahu, A.; Sauer, R.A.; Mandadapu, K.K. Non-axisymmetric shapes of biological membranes from locally induced curvature bioRxiv, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 283 ] | Butt, Sahir Nawaz; Guenther Meschke Peridynamic investigation of dynamic brittle fracture Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 284 ] | Amal Saadallah; Alexey Egorov; Ba-Trung Cao; Steffen Freitag; Katharina Morik; Günther Meschke Active Learning for Accurate Settlement Prediction Using Numerical Simulations in Mechanized Tunneling Procedia CIRP, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 285 ] | Neu, Gerrit; Gall, Vojtech; Guenther Meschke Robust segmental lining design combining steel fiber reinforced concrete and traditional reinforcement Tunnels and underground cities, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 286 ] | Vu-Bac, N.; Duong, T.X.; Lahmer, T.; Areias, P.; Sauer, R.A.; Park, H.S.; Rabczuk, T. A NURBS-based inverse analysis of thermal expansion induced morphing of thin shells Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 287 ] | Marwan, A.; Alsahly, A.; Obel, M.; Mark, P.; Meschke, G. Soil-building interaction in mechanized tunneling: A comparison of modeling approaches Tunnels and Underground Cities: Engineering and Innovation meet Archaeology, Architecture and Art- Proceedings of the WTC 2019 ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 288 ] | Duong, T.X.; Sauer, R.A. A concise frictional contact formulation based on surface potentials and isogeometric discretization Computational Mechanics, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 289 ] | Guenther Meschke; Iskhakov, Tagir; Jithender J. Timothy Multiscale modeling of ion transport and ASR induced damage in concrete structures 10th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 290 ] | Vu-Bac, N.; Duong, T.X.; Lahmer, T.; Zhuang, X.; Sauer, R.A.; Park, H.S.; Rabczuk, T. A NURBS-based inverse analysis for reconstruction of nonlinear deformations of thin shell structures arXiv, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 291 ] | Immel, K.; Duong, T.X.; Nguyen, V.-H.; Haïat, G.; Sauer, R.A. A modified Coulomb’s law for the tangential debonding of osseointegrated implants arXiv, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 292 ] | Ghaffari, R.; Shirazian, F.; Hu, M.; Sauer, R.A. A nonlinear hyperelasticity model for single layer blue phosphorus based on ab-initio calculations arXiv, 2019 [ DOI ] |
[ 293 ] | Roohbakhshan, F.; Sauer, R.A. A finite membrane element formulation for surfactants Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
2018 | |
[ 294 ] | Guenther Meschke; Alsahly, Abdullah; Marwan, Ahmed; Gall, Vojtech; Scheffer, Markus; Markus König BIM-to-FEM: Incorporating Numerical Simulations into BIM Concepts with Application to the Wehrhahn-Line Metro in Düsseldorf ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2018 (WTC 2018), 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 295 ] | Mergel, J.C.; Sahli, R.; Scheibert, J.; Sauer, R.A. Continuum contact models for coupled adhesion and friction arXiv, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 296 ] | A. Alsahly ; A. Marwan; V. Gall ; M. Scheffer; M. König; Guenther Meschke BIM-to-FEM: Incorporating Numerical Simulations into BIM Concepts with Application to the Wehrhahn-Line Metro in Düsseldorf Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunneling Congress (WTC 2018), 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 297 ] | Obel, M.; Marwan, A.; Alsahly, A.; Freitag, S.; Mark, P.; Meschke, G.; Bochum, R.-U. Damage assessment concepts for urban structures during mechanized tunneling,Schadensbewertungskonzepte für innerstädtische Bauwerke bei maschinellen Tunnelvortrieben Bauingenieur, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 298 ] | G. Neu; V. Gall; Guenther Meschke Investigation of Construction and Installation Tolerances for Robust {SFRC} Segmental Lining Design Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunneling Congress WTC 2018, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 299 ] | Guenther Meschke; Neu, Gerrit; Gall, Vojtech Investigation of construction and installation tolerances for robust SFRC segmental lining design ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2018 (WTC 2018), 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 300 ] | Duong, T.X.; Sauer, R.A. A concise frictional contact formulation based on surface potentials and isogeometric discretization arXiv, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 301 ] | Guenther Meschke; Iskhakov, Tagir; Jithender J. Timothy Multiscale modelling of alkali transport and ASR induced damage in concrete Proceedings of the Symposium on Concrete Modelling, CONMOD 2018, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 302 ] | Roohbakhshan, F.; Sauer, R.A. A finite membrane element formulation for surfactants arXiv, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 303 ] | Ghaffari, R.; Sauer, R.A. A new efcient hyperelastic fnite element model for graphene and its application to carbon nanotubes and nanocones arXiv, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 304 ] | Sahu, A.; Omar, Y.A.D.; Sauer, R.A.; Mandadapu, K.K. Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian finite element method for curved and deforming surfaces I. General theory and application to fluid interfaces arXiv, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 305 ] | Kumar, P.; Saxen, A.; Sauer, R.A. Computational synthesis of large deformation compliant mechanisms undergoing self and mutual contact arXiv, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 306 ] | T.S. Dang; Guenther Meschke Pressure distribution in EPB pressure chambers: New insights from computational flow simulations Proceedings of WTC 2018, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 307 ] | Sauer, R.A. On the computational modeling of lipid bilayers using thin-shell theory CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures, 2018 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 308 ] | Ghaffari, R.; Sauer, R.A. Modal analysis of graphene-based structures for large deformations, contact and material nonlinearities Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 309 ] | Roohbakhshan, F.; Duong, T.X.; Sauer, R.A. Isogeometric kirchhoff-love shells: Numerics, constitution and biomechanical applications Shell Structures: Theory and Applications Volume 4 - Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Shell Structures: Theory and Applications, SSTA 2017, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 310 ] | Guenther Meschke Tunneling in Urban Areas: Advanced Computational Methods for Design and Construction International Conference om Sustainability in Civil Engineering (ICSCE) 2018, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 311 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Ghaffari, R.; Gupta, A. The multiplicative deformation split for shells with application to growth, chemical swelling, thermoelasticity, viscoelasticity and elastoplasticity arXiv, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 312 ] | Roger A. Sauer; Tobias Luginsland A monolithic fluid–structure interaction formulation for solid and liquid membranes including free-surface contact Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018-11 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 313 ] | Reza Ghaffari; Thang X. Duong; Roger A. Sauer A new shell formulation for graphene structures based on existing ab-initio data International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2018-03 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 314 ] | N. Vu-Bac; T.X. Duong; T. Lahmer; X. Zhuang; R.A. Sauer; H.S. Park; T. Rabczuk A NURBS-based inverse analysis for reconstruction of nonlinear deformations of thin shell structures Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018-04 [ DOI ] |
[ 315 ] | Reza Ghaffari; Roger A. Sauer A new efficient hyperelastic finite element model for graphene and its application to carbon nanotubes and nanocones Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2018-07 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 316 ] | Guenther Meschke Tunneling in urban areas: advanced computational methods for design and construction 2nd International Conference on Structural and Civil Engineering (ICSCE 2018), 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 317 ] | Guenther Meschke; Steffen Freitag; Edler, Philipp; Kremer, Katharina; Kremer, K. Surrogate modelling for solving optimization problems with polymorphic uncertain data REC 2018, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 318 ] | Guenther Meschke; Steffen Freitag; Edler, Philipp; Kremer, Katharina Optimization with polymorphic uncertainty models for the design of durable reinforced concrete structures 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2nd Pan American Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 319 ] | P. Edler ; S. Freitag; K. Kremer; Guenther Meschke Optimization of Durability Performance of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Consideration of Polymorphic Uncertain Data Proceedings of the joint ICVRAM ISUMA UNCERTAINTIES conference, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 320 ] | Guenther Meschke; Edler, Philipp; Steffen Freitag; Kremer, Katharina Optimization of durability performance of reinforced concrete structures under consideration of polymorphic uncertain data 2018 ICVRAM-ISUMA-Uncertainties, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 321 ] | K. Kremer; P. Edler; S. Freitag ; M. Hofmann; Guenther Meschke Numerical durability simulation of reinforced concrete structures under consideration of polymorphic uncertain data Life-Cycle Analysis and Assessment in Civil Engineering: Towards an Integrated Vision, Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2018), 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 322 ] | S. Freitag; P. Edler; K. Kremer; Guenther Meschke Optimization with Polymorphic Uncertainty Models for the Design of Durable Reinforced Concrete Structures Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM 2018), 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 323 ] | Guenther Meschke; Dang, Thai Son Pressure distribution in EPB pressure chambers: new insights from computational flow simulations ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2018 (WTC 2018), 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 324 ] | Meschke, G.; Cao, B.T.; Freitag, S. Reliability Analysis and Real-Time Predictions in Mechanized Tunneling Resilience Engineering for Urban Tunneling, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 325 ] | B.T. Cao; A. Alsahly; S. Freitag; Guenther Meschke Real-Time TBM Steering Assistance System using Numerical Simulation and Monitoring Data Proceedings of the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2018 (WTC 2018), 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 326 ] | Guenther Meschke; Cao, Ba Trung; Alsahly, Abdullah; Steffen Freitag Real-time TBM steering assistance system using numerical simulation and monitoring data ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2018 (WTC 2018), 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 327 ] | T. Iskhakov; J.J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke Multiscale modelling of alkali transport and ASR induced damage in concrete Proceedings of the Symposium on Concrete Modelling - CONMOD2018, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 328 ] | S. Freitag; P. Edler; K. Kremer; Guenther Meschke Surrogate modelling for solving optimization problems with polymorphic uncertain data Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Reliable Engineering Computing (REC 2018), 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 329 ] | Iskhakov, Tagir; Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy Multiscale modelling of ASR induced degradation in concrete Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 330 ] | Abdullah Alsahly; Carlo Callari; Günther Meschke An algorithm based on incompatible modes for the global tracking of strong discontinuities in shear localization analyses Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018-03 [ DOI ] |
[ 331 ] | S. Freitag; B.T. Cao; J. Ninić; G. Meschke Recurrent neural networks and proper orthogonal decomposition with interval data for real-time predictions of mechanised tunnelling processes Computers and Structures, 2018-09 [ DOI ] |
[ 332 ] | Marwan, Ahmed; Alsahly, Abdullah; Guenther Meschke; Abd Elrehim, Mostafa Z. Lining induced stresses for mechanized tunneling along curved alignment Engineering challenges for sustainable underground use, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 333 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofstetter, Günter; Phoon, Kok-Kwang Editorial Underground space, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 334 ] | Dang, Thai Son; Guenther Meschke; Gudzulic, Vladislav Computational modeling of fiber flow during casting of fresh concrete Computational mechanics, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 335 ] | Guenther Meschke; Pichler, Bernhard; Rots, Jan G.; Conference on Computational Modelling of Concrete and Concrete Structures (2018 : Bad Hofgastein) Computational modelling of concrete structures , 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 336 ] | Sahir N. Butt; Günther Meschke Dynamic fracture modelling using Peridynamics Forschungskolloquium 2018 Grasellenbach, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 337 ] | Neu, Gerrit; Gall, Vojtech; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Robust design of hybrid steel fiber reinforced concrete tunnel lining segments Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2018-12-15 [ DOI ] |
[ 338 ] | Gall, Vojtech; Butt, Sahir Nawaz; Neu, Gerrit; Guenther Meschke An embedded rebar model for computational analysis of reinforced concrete structures with applications to longitudinal joints in precast tunnel lining segments Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2018-12-15 [ DOI ] |
[ 339 ] | Hoang‐Giang Bui; Dominik Schillinger; Günther Meschke Application of the Finite Cell Method to Tunnel Engineering Simulation Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2018-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 340 ] | Sahir Butt; Günther Meschke A rate‐dependent damage model for prediction of high‐speed cracks PAMM, 2018-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 341 ] | Janis Reinold; Günther Meschke Particle Finite Element Simulation of Fresh Concrete for 3D Printing Applications Forschungskolloquium 2018 Grasellenbach, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 342 ] | Tagir Iskhakov; Jithender J. Timothy; Günther Meschke Multiscale modelling of alkali transport and ASR in concrete structures Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2018-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 343 ] | Vladislav Gudžulić; Ildar Khisamitov; Jithender J. Timothy; Günther Meschke Simulation‐based investigation of the influence of the micro‐structure and disorder on damage evolution in concrete Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2018-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 344 ] | Steffen Freitag; Edler, Philipp; Kremer, Katharina; Hofmann, Michael; Guenther Meschke Optimization approaches for durable reinforced concrete structures considering interval and stochastic parameter uncertainty Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2018-12-17 [ DOI ] |
[ 345 ] | Jithender J. Timothy; Günther Meschke Effective Diffusivity of Porous Materials with Microcracks: Self-Similar Mean-Field Homogenization and Pixel Finite Element Simulations Transport in Porous Media, 2018-12-21 [ DOI ] |
[ 346 ] | Jithender J. Timothy; Tagir Iskhakov; Yijian Zhan; Günther Meschke A Multiscale Model for High Performance FRC Strain-Hardening Cement-Based Composites, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 347 ] | Dang, Thai Son; Guenther Meschke A shear-slip mesh üpdate Finite elements in analysis and design, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 348 ] | Stascheit, Janosch; Ninic, Jelena; Guenther Meschke; Hegemann, Felix; Maidl, Ulrich Building information modelling in mechanised shield tunnelling Geomechanics and tunnelling, 2018-02-15 [ DOI ] |
[ 349 ] | Ildar Khisamitov; Günther Meschke Variational approach to interface element modeling of brittle fracture propagation Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2018-01 [ DOI ] |
[ 350 ] | Cao, Ba Trung; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke A fuzzy surrogate modelling approach for real-time predictions in mechanised tunnelling International journal of reliability and safety, 2018 [ DOI ] |
[ 351 ] | Gall, Vojtech; Marwan, Ahmed; Smarslik, Mario; Obel, Markus; Peter Mark; Guenther Meschke A holistic approach for the investigation of lining response to mechanized tunneling induced construction loadings Underground space, 2018-02-16 [ DOI ] |
[ 352 ] | Smarslik, Mario; Putke, Thomas; Marwan, Ahmed; Gall, Vojtech; Guenther Meschke; Peter Mark Berechnungsmodelle für Bau- und Endzustände von Tübbingtunneln Taschenbuch für den Tunnelbau 2018, 2018-02-12 [ DOI ] |
[ 353 ] | Meng-Meng Zhou; Günther Meschke A multiscale homogenization model for strength predictions of fully and partially frozen soils Acta Geotechnica, 2018-02-20 [ DOI ] |
[ 354 ] | G. Meschke From advance exploration to real time steering of TBMs: A review on pertinent research in the Collaborative Research Center “Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling” Underground Space, 2018-03 [ DOI ] |
[ 355 ] | Abdiel Ramon Leon Bal; Ulrich Hoppe; Thai Son Dang; Klaus Hackl; Günther Meschke Hypoplastic particle finite element model for cutting tool-soil interaction simulations: Numerical analysis and experimental validation Underground Space, 2018-03 [ DOI ] |
2017 | |
[ 356 ] | Yijian Zhan; Günther Meschke Adaptive Crack Modeling with Interface Solid Elements for Plain and Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structures Materials, 2017-07-08 [ DOI ] |
[ 357 ] | Cao, Ba Trung; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Real-time fuzzy analysis of machine driven tunneling UNCECOMP 2017 - uncertainty quantification in computational sciences and engineering, 2017-10-03 [ DOI ] |
[ 358 ] | A fuzzy surrogate modelling approach for real-time settlement predictions in mechanised tunnelling International Journal for Safety and Reliability, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 359 ] | The intrinsic permeability of microcracks in porous solids: Analytical models and Lattice Boltzmann simulations International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 360 ] | Butt, Sahir Nawaz; Guenther Meschke A 3D peridynamic model of rock cutting with TBM disc cutters 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 361 ] | A hybrid finite element and surrogate modelling approach for simulation and monitoring supported TBM steering Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 362 ] | A. Leon Bal; T.S. Dang; Guenther Meschke A hypoplastic Particle Finite Element model for the simulation of soft soil excavation in mechanized tunneling Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO:TUN 2017), 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 363 ] | Dang, Thai Son; Wessels, Nicola; Nguyen, Ngoc Son; Klaus Hackl; Guenther Meschke A coupled computational approach for the simulation of soil excavation and transport in earth-pressure balance shield machines International journal for multiscale computational engineering, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 364 ] | Cascade continuum micromechanics model for the effective permeability of solids with distributed microcracks: Self-similar mean-field homogenization and image analysis Mechanics of Materials, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 365 ] | Leonhart, Dirk; Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy Cascade continuum micromechanics model for the effective permeability of solids with distributed microcracks Mechanics of materials, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 366 ] | Przondziono, Robin; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Guenther Meschke; Hofmann, Michael; Jithender J. Timothy; Weise, Frank; Krütt, Enno Degradation in concrete structures due to cyclic loading and its effect on transport processes - experiments and modeling Structural concrete, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 367 ] | Simulation based evaluation of time-variant loadings acting on tunnel linings during mechanized tunnel construction Engineering Structures, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 368 ] | T.S. Dang; Guenther Meschke An ALE computational model for the simulation of material transport in EPB tunnel boring machines Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO:TUN 2017), 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 369 ] | Zimmermann, C.; Sauer, R.A. Adaptive local surface refinement based on LR NURBS and its application to contact Computational Mechanics, 2017 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 370 ] | Zimmermann, C.; Toshniwal, D.; Landis, C.M.; Hughes, T.J.R.; Mandadapu, K.K.; Sauer, R.A. An isogeometric finite element formulation for phase transitions on deforming surfaces arXiv, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 371 ] | Zimmermann, C.; Sauer, R.A. Adaptive local surface refinement based on LR NURBS and its application to contact arXiv, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 372 ] | Rasool, R.; Harmel, M.; Sauer, R.A. A strategy to interface isogeometric analysis with Lagrangian finite elements - Application to uid-structure interaction problems arXiv, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 373 ] | Duong, T.X.; de Lorenzis, L.; Sauer, R.A. A segmentation-free isogeometric extended mortar contact method arXiv, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 374 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Duong, T.X.; Mandadapu, K.K.; Steigmann, D.J. A stabilized finite element formulation for liquid shells and its application to lipid bilayers Journal of Computational Physics, 2017 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 375 ] | Mergel, J.C.; Sauer, R.A.; Ober-Blöbaum, S. C1-continuous space-time discretization based on Hamilton's law of varying action ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 376 ] | Roohbakhshan, F.; Sauer, R.A. Efficient isogeometric thin shell formulations for soft biological materials Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2017 [ DOI ] [ arXiv ] |
[ 377 ] | Sahu, A.; Sauer, R.A.; Mandadapu, K.K. The irreversible thermodynamics of curved lipid membranes arXiv, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 378 ] | Harmel, M.; Sauer, R.A.; Bommes, D. Volumetric mesh generation from T-spline surface representations CAD Computer Aided Design, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 379 ] | Ghaffari, R.; Sauer, R.A. Modal analysis of graphene-based structures for large deformations, contact and material nonlinearities arXiv, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 380 ] | Sahu, A.; Sauer, R.A.; Mandadapu, K.K. Irreversible thermodynamics of curved lipid membranes Physical Review E, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 381 ] | Harmel, M.; Sauer, R.A. Efficient three-dimensional simulation of fused deposition modeling by coupling finite element and boundary element analysis Simulation for Additive Manufacturing 2017, Sinam 2017, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 382 ] | Kumar, P.; Saxena, A.; Sauer, R.A. Implementation of self contact in path generating compliant mechanisms Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 383 ] | Duong, T.X.; Roohbakhshan, F.; Sauer, R.A. A new rotation-free isogeometric thin shell formulation and a corresponding continuity constraint for patch boundaries Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 384 ] | Luginsland, T.; Sauer, R.A. A computational study of wetting on chemically contaminated substrates Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 385 ] | Butt, Sahir Nawaz; Jithender J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke Wave dispersion and propagation in state-based peridynamic Computational mechanics, 2017-07-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 386 ] | An algorithm based on incompatible modes for the global tracking of strong discontinuities in shear localization analyses Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engeneering, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 387 ] | Dang, Thai Son; Guenther Meschke An ALE computational model for the simulation of material transport in EPB tunnel boring machines EURO:TUN 2017, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 388 ] | H. G. Bui ; Guenther Meschke A parallelization strategy for hydro-mechanically coupled simulations in mechanized tunneling EURO:TUN 2017, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 389 ] | A multiscale homogenization model for strength predictions of fully and partially frozen soils Acta Geotechnica, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 390 ] | Bui, Hoang Giang; Guenther Meschke A parallelization strategy for hydro-mechanically coupled simulations in mechanized tunneling EURO:TUN 2017, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 391 ] | Alsahly, Abdullah; Guenther Meschke; Callari, C. Assessment of stand-up time and advancement rate effects for tunnel faces below the water table EURO:TUN 2017, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 392 ] | C. Callari; A. Alsahly; Guenther Meschke Assessment of stand-up time and advancement rate effects for tunnel faces below the water table Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO:TUN 2017), 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 393 ] | Bui, H.G.; Alsahly, A.; Ninic, J.; Meschke, G. BIM-based model generation and high performance simulation of soil-structure interaction in mechanized tunnelling Civil-Comp Proceedings, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 394 ] | H. G. Bui ; A. Alsahly; J. Nini\'c; Guenther Meschke BIM-based Model Generation and High Performance Simulation of Soil-Structure Interaction in Mechanized Tunnelling The Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering (PARENG 2017), 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 395 ] | Guenther Meschke; Bui, Hoang Giang; Alsahly, Abdullah; Ninic, Jelena BIM-based model generation and high performance simulation of soil-structure interaction in mechanized tunnelling Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 396 ] | Ruhr-Universität Bochum Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis 13 am 20. und 21. März 2017 an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum , 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 397 ] | Baustatik-Baupraxis 13 , 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 398 ] | Dang, Thai Son; Guenther Meschke; Leon Bal, A. R. A hypoplastic Particle Finite Element model for the simulation of tool-soil interaction in mechanized tunneling in soft ground EURO:TUN 2017, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 399 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Luginsland, T. A monolithic uid-structure interaction formulation for solid and liquid membranes including free-surface contact arXiv, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 400 ] | S. Freitag; K. Kremer; M. Hofmann; Guenther Meschke Numerical Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures under Polymorphic Uncertain Conditions Safety, Reliability, Risk, Resilience and Sustainability of Structures and Infrastructure, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR 2017), 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 401 ] | Numerische Mehrebenensimulation segmentierter Tunnelschalen aus Faserbeton Baustatik-Baupraxis 13, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 402 ] | Guenther Meschke; Steffen Freitag; Kremer, Katharina; Hofmann, Michael Numerical design of reinforced concrete structures under polymorphic uncertain conditions Safety, reliability, risk, resilience and sustainability of structures and infrastructure, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 403 ] | T. Iskhakov ; J.J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke Multiscale model of ASR-induced damage in concrete 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 404 ] | B.T. Cao; A. Egorov; S. Freitag; Guenther Meschke; K. Morik Model Fusion for Settlement Prediction in Mechanized Tunneling 4th International Workshop on Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques (MORTech 2017), 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 405 ] | Iskhakov, Tagir; Jithender J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke Multiscale model of ASR-induced damage in concrete 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 406 ] | Alsahly, Abdullah; Gall, Vojtech; Neu, Gerrit; Zhan, Yijian; Guenther Meschke Numerische Mehrebenensimulation segmentierter Tunnelschalen aus Faserbeton Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis 13 am 20. und 21. März 2017 an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 407 ] | Guenther Meschke; Alsahly, Abdullah; Callari, C. Predicting stand-up time of the tunnel face using 3D numerical simulations Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 - Surface challenges - underground solutions, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 408 ] | Jithender J. Timothy; Iskhakov, Tagir; Guenther Meschke Transport properties of microcracked porous materials: micromechanics models and mesoscale simulations 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 409 ] | J.J. Timothy; T. Iskhakov; Guenther Meschke Transport properties of microcracked porous materials: Micromechanics models and mesoscale simulations Proceedings of the 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 410 ] | S. Freitag; B.T. Cao; Guenther Meschke Surrogate Models for Real-Time Predictions in Mechanized Tunneling GRK 1462 International Workshop on Coupled Numerical and Experimental Models in Structural Engineering, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 411 ] | S. Freitag; B.T. Cao; Guenther Meschke Real-time reliability analysis in mechanized tunneling for surface settlement control Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO:TUN 2017), 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 412 ] | C. Callari; A. Alsahly; Guenther Meschke Predicting stand-up time of the tunnel face using 3D numerical simulations. Proceedings of the World Tunneling Congress, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 413 ] | Steffen Freitag; Cao, Ba Trung; Guenther Meschke Real-time reliability analysis in mechanized tunneling for surface settlement control EURO:TUN 2017, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 414 ] | Guenther Meschke; Cao, Ba Trung; Steffen Freitag; Egorov, A.; Morik, K. Model fusion for settlement prediction in mechanized tunneling Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques: (MORTech 2017), 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 415 ] | Alsahly, A; Callari, C; Guenther Meschke Investigation of Computational Approaches for the Assessment of Tunnel Face Stability Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO:TUN 2017), 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 416 ] | A. Marwan; A. Alsahly; V. Gall; Guenther Meschke Computational modelling for segmental lining installation in mechanized tunneling Computational modelling for segmental lining installation in mechanized tunneling, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 417 ] | Guenther Meschke; Gall, Vojtech; Neu, Gerrit; Zhan, Yijian Computer aided steel-fiber reinforced segment design using a multi-scale modeling framework Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 - Surface challenges - underground solutions, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 418 ] | Marwan, Ahmed; Alsahly, Abdullah; Gall, Vojtech; Guenther Meschke Computational modelling for segmental lining installation in mechanized tunneling EURO:TUN 2017, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 419 ] | Vladislav Gudžulić; Dang, Thai Son; Guenther Meschke Computational modeling of fiber flow during casting of fresh concrete 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 420 ] | Scheffer, Markus; Alsahly, Abdullah; Guenther Meschke; Gall, Vojtech; Marwan, Ahmed; Markus König BIM-to-FEM: incorporating numerical simulations into BIM concepts with application to real tunneling projects Proceedings of the World Tunnel Congress 2017 - Surface challenges - underground solutions, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 421 ] | Computational modeling in tunneling and subsurface engineering , 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 422 ] | V. E. Gall; G. Neu; Y. Zhan; Guenther Meschke Computer Aided Steel-Fiber Reinforced Segment Design Using a Multi-Scale Modeling Framework Proceedings of the World Tunneling Congress 2017 - Surface Challenges - Underground Solutions, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 423 ] | Guenther Meschke; Kremer, Katharina; Steffen Freitag; Hofmann, Michael Deterioration of reinforced concrete structures under consideration of polymorphic multiscale uncertainty modelling UNCECOMP 2017 - uncertainty quantification in computational sciences and engineering, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 424 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofstetter, Günter; Bergmeister, Konrad; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; Schweiger, Helmut F. EURO:TUN 2017 , 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 425 ] | Alsahly, Abdullah; Guenther Meschke; Callari, C. Investigation of computational approaches for the assessment of tunnel face stability EURO:TUN 2017, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 426 ] | Gall, Vojtech; Zhan, Yijian; Guenther Meschke Effect of fiber concentration and distribution in longitudinal joints of precast tunnel lining segments EURO:TUN 2017, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 427 ] | V. E. Gall; Y. Zhan; Guenther Meschke Effect of Fiber Concentration ad Distribution in Longitudinal Joints of Precast Tunnel Lining Segments EURO:TUN 2017, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 428 ] | K. Kremer; S. Freitag; M. Hofmann; Guenther Meschke Deterioration of Reinforced Concrete Structures under consideration of Polymorphic Multiscale Uncertainty Modelling Proceedings of the 2nd ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering (UNCECOMP 2017), 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 429 ] | Variational approach to interface element modeling of brittle fracture propagation Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engeneering, 2017 [ DOI ] |
[ 430 ] | V. Gudzulic ; T.S. Dang; Guenther Meschke Computational modeling of fiber flow during casting of fresh concrete Proceedings of the 7th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics for Young Scientists from Academia and Industry, 2017 [ DOI ] |
2016 | |
[ 431 ] | Advanced finite element modeling of excavation and advancement processes in mechanized tunneling Advances in Engineering Software, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 432 ] | Cascade lattice micromechanics model for the effective permeability of materials with microcracks Journal of Nanomechanics and Micromechanics (ASCE), 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 433 ] | Nguyen, Ngoc Minh; Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy Computational modeling of concrete degradation due to alkali silica reaction CONCREEP 10, mechanics and physics of creep, shrinkage, and durability of concrete and concrete structures, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 434 ] | Marwan, Ahmed; Zhou, Meng-Meng; Guenther Meschke; Zaki Abdelrehim, M. Optimization of artificial ground freezing in tunneling in the presence of seepage flow Computers and geotechnics, 2016-02-16 [ DOI ] |
[ 435 ] | A micromechanics model for molecular diffusion in materials with complex pore structure International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 436 ] | A micromechanics model for FRC composites PAMM, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 437 ] | A cascade continuum micromechanics model for the elastic properties of porous materials International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 438 ] | A Finite Element Model for Propagating Delamination in Laminated Composite Plates based on the Virtual Crack Closure Method Composite Structures, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 439 ] | A higher-order stress-based gradient-enhanced damage model based on isogeometric analysis Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 440 ] | A hybrid RNN-GPOD surrogate model for real-time settlement predictions in mechanised tunnelling Advanced Modeling and Simulation in Engineering Sciences, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 441 ] | Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy A micromechanics model for molecular diffusion in materials with complex pore structure International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, 2016-04-10 [ DOI ] |
[ 442 ] | Alsahly, Abdullah; Gall, Vojtech; Marwan, Ahmed; Ninic, Jelena; Guenther Meschke; Andre Vonthron; Markus König Mechanized tunneling Proceedings of the World Tunneling Congress (WTC), 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 443 ] | Kumar, P.; Sauer, R.A.; Saxena, A. Synthesis of C0 Path-Generating Contact-Aided Compliant Mechanisms Using the Material Mask Overlay Method Journal of Mechanical Design, Transactions of the ASME, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 444 ] | Roger A. Sauer A frictional sliding algorithm for liquid droplets Computational Mechanics, 2016-12 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 445 ] | Isogeometric nonlinear shell elements for thin laminated composites based on analytical thickness integration Journal of Micromechanics and Molecular Physics, 2016-12-06 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 446 ] | Modeling the effective permeability of microcracked materials using continuum and lattice micromechanics PAMM, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 447 ] | Sauer, R.A. A Survey of Computational Models for Adhesion Journal of Adhesion, 2016 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 448 ] | Rasool, R.; Corbett, C.J.; Sauer, R.A. A strategy to interface isogeometric analysis with Lagrangian finite elements-Application to incompressible flow problems Computers and Fluids, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 449 ] | Surrogate Modelling for Real-time Predictions of Mechanised Tunnelling Processes with Interval Data Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 450 ] | Structure-Based Mechanics of Tissues and Organs , 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 451 ] | Multilevel computational model for failure analysis of steel-fiber--reinforced concrete structures Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 452 ] | Strong Discontinuity Approaches: An algorithm for robust performance and comparative assessment of accuracy International Journal for Solids and Structures, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 453 ] | Fabien Cazes; Günther Meschke; Meng-Meng Zhou Strong discontinuity approaches: An algorithm for robust performance and comparative assessment of accuracy International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016-10 [ DOI ] |
[ 454 ] | Alsahly, A.; Gall, V.E.; Marwan, A.; Ninić, J.; Meschke, G.; Vonthron, A.; König, M. From building information modeling to real-time simulation in mechanized tunneling: An integrated approach applied to the Wehrhahn-line Düsseldorf ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2016, WTC 2016, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 455 ] | Alsahly, Abdullah; Gall, Vojtech; Marwan, Ahmed; Andre Vonthron; Ninic, Jelena; Markus König; Guenther Meschke From building information modeling to real time simulation in mechanized tunnelling: an integrated approach applied to the Wehrhahn-line Düsseldorf ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2016 (WTC 2016), 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 456 ] | Meschke, G. Interaction models for mechanized tunneling ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2016, WTC 2016, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 457 ] | Guenther Meschke From building information modeling to real time simulation in mechanized tunneling Proceedings of the World Tunneling Congress (WTC), 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 458 ] | Guenther Meschke; Vuksanović, Djordje; Marjanović, Miroslav Finite Element analysis of propagating delamination in laminated composite plates Contemporary problems of theory of structures, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 459 ] | R. Grytz; Guenther Meschke; J.B. Jonas; J.C. Downs Glaucoma and Structure-Based Mechanics of the Lamina Cribrosa at Multiple Scales Structure-Based Mechanics of Tissues and Organs, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 460 ] | Cascade Continuum Micromechanics Model for the Effective Permeability of Solids with Distributed Microcracks. Comparison with numerical homogenization Mechanics of Materials, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 461 ] | Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling Proceedings of the World Tunneling Conference 2016, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 462 ] | Guenther Meschke Interaction modeling in mechanized tunneling Proceedings of the World Tunneling Congress (WTC), 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 463 ] | Embedded finite element beam formulation for the modeling of pile-soil and fiber-matrix interactions Contemporary Problems of Theory of Structures, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 464 ] | Effective diffusivity of microcracked porous solids: Continuum micromechanics and computational homogenization International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 465 ] | Optimization of artificial ground freezing in tunneling in the presence of seepage flow Computers and Geotechnics, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 466 ] | Cao, Ba Trung; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Real-time prediction of structural processes with polymorphic uncertain data REC 2016, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 467 ] | Recurrent Neural Networks and Proper Orthogonal Decomposition with Interval Data for Real-Time Predictions of Mechanised Tunnelling Processes Computers and Structures, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 468 ] | Finite Element analysis of propagating delamination in laminated composite plates Contemporary Problems of Theory of Structures, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 469 ] | Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke; Cao, Ba Trung; Alsahly, Abdullah Numerical simulation of mechanised tunnelling processes with polymorphic uncertain data Proceedings of the 2th World Congress on Computational Mechanics & The 6th Asia-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 470 ] | Steffen Freitag; Alsahly, Abdullah; Guenther Meschke Numerical reliability analysis of tunnel face stability with interval and fuzzy soil parameters Structural reliability and its applications, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 471 ] | Zhan, Yijian; Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy Multiscale modeling FRC composites FraMCoS-9 Book of abstracts, 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 472 ] | Numerical Reliability Analysis of Tunnel Face Stability with Interval and Fuzzy Soil Parameters Proceedings of the 6th Asian-Pacific Symposium on Structural Reliability and its Applications (APSSRA 2016), 2016 [ DOI ] |
[ 473 ] | Guenther Meschke Embedded finite element beam formulation for the modeling of pile-soil and fiber-matrix interactions Contemporary problems of theory of structures, 2016 [ DOI ] |
2015 | |
[ 474 ] | Schmidt, M.G.; Ismail, A.E.; Sauer, R.A. A continuum mechanical surrogate model for atomic beam structures International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering, 2015 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 475 ] | Roohbakhshan, F.; Duong, T.X.; Sauer, R.A. A projection method to extract biological membrane models from 3D material models Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 2015-09-03 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 476 ] | A Generalized Finite Element Method for hydro-mechanically coupled analysis of hydraulic fracturing problems using space-time variant enrichment functions Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 477 ] | Muhammad Osman; Roger A. Sauer Computational Analysis of Wetting on Hydrophobic Surfaces: Application to Self-Cleaning Mechanisms Advances in Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, 2015-09 [ DOI ] |
[ 478 ] | Przondziono, Robin; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy; Nguyen, Minh H.; Weise, Frank; Meng, Birgit Vorschädigungen in Beton infolge zyklischer Beanspruchungen und deren Auswirkung auf Transportprozesse im Hinblick auf eine schädigende AKR Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 479 ] | Günther Meschke; Dirk Leonhart A Generalized Finite Element Method for hydro-mechanically coupled analysis of hydraulic fracturing problems using space-time variant enrichment functions Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 480 ] | Study on Performance of Parallel Solvers for Coupled Simulations of Partially Saturated Soils in Tunnel Engineering Application The Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering (PARENG 2015), 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 481 ] | Dang, Thai Son; Guenther Meschke Stabilized finite element methods for two-phase viscous flow using a two-fluid model Computational mechanics, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 482 ] | Simulation Based Real Time Prognosis for Mechanized Tunneling SEE Tunnel: Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region, Proceedings of the ITA World Tunnel Congress, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 483 ] | Guenther Meschke; Britta Schoesser Der virtuelle Tunnelblick , 2015-04-02 [ DOI ] |
[ 484 ] | AKR unter kombinierten Einwirkungen - Numerische Modellierung 19. Int. Baustofftagung (IBAUSIL 2015), 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 485 ] | Osman, M.; Sauer, R.A. Computational Analysis of Wetting on Hydrophobic Surfaces: Application to Self-Cleaning Mechanisms Advances in Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 486 ] | Kumar, P.; Sauer, R.A.; Saxena, A. On synthesis of contact aided compliant mechanisms using the material mask overlay method Proceedings of the ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 487 ] | Corbett, C.J.; Sauer, R.A. Three-dimensional isogeometrically enriched finite elements for frictional contact and mixed-mode debonding Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2015 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 488 ] | R. A. Sauer; T. X. Duong On the theoretical foundations of thin solid and liquid shells Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2015-06-13 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 489 ] | Raste, H.; Saxena, A.; Sauer, R.; Corves, B. Bioinspired mechanism synthesis for flapping flight with unsteady flow effects Mechanisms and Machine Science, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 490 ] | Sauer, R.A.; DeLorenzis, L. An unbiased computational contact formulation for 3D friction International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2015 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 491 ] | Cao, Ba Trung; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Hybrid RNN-GPOD surrogate model for real-time simulations with uncertain data in mechanised tunnelling Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reduced Basis, POD and PGD Model Reduction Techniques, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 492 ] | Cao, Ba Trung; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Gappy POD based surrogate model for numerical simulations in mechanized tunneling Proceedings of the 6th GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics 2015, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 493 ] | Guenther Meschke Determination of effective transport properties of fractured rocks using the Extended Finite Element Method and micromechanics Future development of rock mechanics, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 494 ] | Guenther Meschke; Alsahly, Abdullah; Steffen Freitag; Ninic, Jelena; Gall, Vojtech Ernst; Cao, Ba Trung Simulation based real time prognosis for mechanized tunneling Proceedings of the 41st General Assembly and World Tunnel Congress of International Tunnelling and Underground Space Association ITA-AITES, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 495 ] | Y. Zhan; Guenther Meschke Numerical Simulation of Fracturing in Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete Structures using Interface Solid Elements CFRAC 2015: IV International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 496 ] | Zhan, Yijian; Guenther Meschke Numerical simulation of fracturing in steel fiber reinforced concrete structures using interface solid elements International Conference on Computational Modeling of Fracture and Failure, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 497 ] | Guenther Meschke Modeling and optimization of ground freezing in tunneling SEE Tunnel promoting tunnelling in South East European Region, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 498 ] | A new mixed finite element approach for the elasto-plastic analysis of Mindlin plates Engeneering Mathematics, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 499 ] | Freitag, S; Cao, B. T; Ninic, J; Guenther Meschke Hybrid surrogate modelling for mechanised tunnelling simulations with uncertain data International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 500 ] | Modeling and optimization of ground freezing in tunneling SEE Tunnel: Promoting Tunneling in SEE Region, Proceedings of the ITA World Tunnel Congress, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 501 ] | Leonhart, D.; Timothy, J.J.; Meschke, G. Determination of effective transport properties of fractured rocks using the extended finite element method and micromechanics ISRM Regional Symposium, EUROCK 2015, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 502 ] | Guenther Meschke; Ninic, Jelena; Steffen Freitag; Cao, Ba Trung; Alsahly, Abdullah; Gall, Vojtech Ernst Predictions of soil-structure interactions in mechanized tunnelling and TBM steering support Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium of Macedonian Association of Structural Engineers (MASE 2016), 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 503 ] | Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy Cascade continuum micromechanics model for the effective diffusivity of porous materials Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 504 ] | Alsahly, A.; Meschke, G. Error-controlled adaptive simulation and numerical assessment of face stability in mechanized tunneling Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics - Proceedings of the 14th Int. Conference of International Association for Computer Methods and Recent Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG 2014, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 505 ] | Determination of effective transport properties of fractured rocks using the Extended Finite Element Method and micromechanics EUROCK 2015 & 64th Geomechanics Colloquium, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 506 ] | Guenther Meschke AKR unter kombinierten Einwirkungen - Numerische Modellierung Tagungsbericht / IBAUSIL, 19. Internationale Baustofftagung, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 507 ] | Bui, Hoang Giang; Guenther Meschke A study on the performance of parallel solvers for coupled simulations of partially saturated soils in tunnel engineering applications Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 508 ] | Steffen Freitag; Cao, Ba Trung; Ninic, Jelena; Guenther Meschke Hybrid RNN-GPOD surrogate model for simulation and monitoring supported TBM steering Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 509 ] | Geometrically nonlinear transient analysis of delaminated composite and sandwich plates using a layerwise displacement model with contact conditions Composite Structures, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 510 ] | Timothy, Jithender J; Nguyen, Minh N; Guenther Meschke Computational modeling of concrete degradation due to alkali silica reaction CONCREEP 10, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 511 ] | Ninic, Jelena; Guenther Meschke Model update and real-time steering of tunnel boring machines using simulation-based meta models Tunnelling and underground space technology, 2015 [ DOI ] |
[ 512 ] | Hybrid surrogate modelling for mechanised tunnelling simulations with uncertain data International Journal of Reliability and Safety, 2015 [ DOI ] |
2014 | |
[ 513 ] | Dang, Thai Son; Guenther Meschke; Wessels, Nicola; Klaus Hackl Coupled computational simulation of excavation and soil transport in earth-pressure balance shield tunneling machines using a viscous two-phase fluid model for soil-foam mixtures Tunneling and underground construction, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 514 ] | Alsahly, Abdullah; Guenther Meschke Error-controlled adaptive simulation and numerical assessment of face stability in mechanized tunneling Computer methods and recent advances in geomechanics, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 515 ] | Development of hybrid steel-fibre reinforced concrete tunnel lining segments -- experimental and numerical analyses from material to structural level (in German) Bauingenieur, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 516 ] | Breitenbücher, Rolf; Guenther Meschke; Song, Fanbing; Zhan, Yijian; Hofmann, Michael Experimental and numerical study on the load-bearing behavior of steel fiber reinforced concrete for precast tunnel lining segments under concentrated loads Fibre reinforced concrete, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 517 ] | Guenther Meschke; Bićanić, Nenad; Mang, Herbert; Borst, René de; EURO-C (2014 : St. Anton am Arlberg) Computational modelling of concrete structures , 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 518 ] | Putke, Thomas; Song, Fanbing; Zhan, Yijian; Peter Mark; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Guenther Meschke Entwicklung von hybriden Stahlfaserbetontübbings Bauingenieur, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 519 ] | Alsahly, Abdullah; Guenther Meschke; Callari, Carlo A discontinuity tracking algorithm based on assumed enhanced modes Proceedings of the jointly organized 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th European Congress on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), 6th European Congress on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 520 ] | Breitenbücher, R.; Meschke, G.; Song, F.; Hofmann, M.; Zhan, Y. Experimental and numerical study on the load-bearing behaviour of steel-fibre-reinforced concrete for precast tunnel lining segments under concentrated loads American Concrete Institute, ACI Special Publication, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 521 ] | Ninic, Jelena; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Beam-solid contact formulation for finite element analysis of pile-soil interaction with arbitrary discretization International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, 2014-03-15 [ DOI ] |
[ 522 ] | Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy A continuum micromechanics-LEFM model for fiber reinforced concrete Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 523 ] | Adaptive computational simulation of TBM-soil interactions during machine-driven tunnel construction in saturated soft soils Tunneling and Underground Construction, Geoshanghai 2014, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 524 ] | Analytical model for the pullout behavior of straight and hooked-end steel fibers Journal of Engineering Mechanics (ASCE), 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 525 ] | Dang, Thai Son; Guenther Meschke; Universität Bochum. Subsurface Modeling and Engineering An ALE–PFEM method for the numerical simulation of two-phase mixture flow Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 526 ] | Guenther Meschke; Zhou, Meng-Meng; Marwan, Ahmed; Abd Elrehim, M. Zaki Computational modelling and optimization of artificial ground freezing in tunnelling Computer methods and recent advances in geomechanics, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 527 ] | Zhan, Yijian; Bui, Hoang Giang; Ninic, Jelena; Guenther Meschke; Mohseni, Seyed Ali Numerical modeling of steel fiber reinforced concrete on the meso- and macro-scale Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 528 ] | Guenther Meschke; Steffen Freitag; Alsahly, Abdullah; Ninic, Jelena; Schindler, Steffen; Koch, Christian Numerische Simulation maschineller Tunnelvortriebe in innerstädtischen Gebieten im Rahmen eines Tunnelinformationsmodells Bauingenieur, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 529 ] | Numerische Simulation im Tunnelbau Beton-Kalender 2014: Unterirdisches Bauen, Grundbau, Eurocode 7, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 530 ] | Guenther Meschke; Alsahly, Abdullah; Dang, Thai Son; Steffen Freitag; Gall, Vojtech; Ninic, Jelena; Stascheit, Janosch; Zhou, Meng-Meng Numerische Simulation im Tunnelbau Beton-Kalender, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 531 ] | Guenther Meschke; Steffen Freitag; Ninic, Jelena; Cao, Ba Trung Numerische Simulation maschineller Tunnelvortriebe zur vortriebsbegleitenden Prognose von Steuerparametern Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis 12, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 532 ] | Ninic, Jelena; Koch, Christian; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke; Markus König; Universität Bochum. Subsurface Modeling and Engineering Simulation- and monitoring-based steering for mechanized tunneling using project data of Wehrhahn-Linie Proceedings of the jointly organized 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th European Congress on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), 6th European Congress on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 533 ] | Steffen Freitag; Cao, Ba Trung; Ninic, Jelena; Guenther Meschke Surrogate modeling for mechanized tunneling simulations with uncertain data REC 2014, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 534 ] | Zhou, Meng-Meng; Guenther Meschke Strength homogenization of matrix-inclusion composites using the linear comparison composite approach International journal of solids and structures, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 535 ] | Cao, Ba Trung; Steffen Freitag; Guenther Meschke Steering of mechanized tunneling processes with hybrid surrogate models based on numerical and monitoring data Proceedings of the jointly organized 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI), 5th European Congress on Computational Mechanics (ECCM V), 6th European Congress on Computational Fluid Dynamics (ECFD VI), 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 536 ] | Guenther Meschke; Steffen Freitag; Alsahly, Abdullah; Ninic, Jelena; Schindler, Steffen; Koch, Christian Numerical simulation in mechanized tunneling in urban environments in the framework of a tunnel information model Bauingenieur, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 537 ] | Numerical Predictions of Surface Settlements in Mechanized Tunneling: Hybrid POD and ANN Surrogate Modeling for Reliability Analyses Vulnerability, Uncertainty, and Risk: Quantification, Mitigation, and Management (Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Vulnerability and Risk Analysis and Management (ICVRAM) and the Sixth International Symposium on Uncertainty, Modeling, and Analysis (ISUMA)), 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 538 ] | Integrated data processing and simulation platform for mechanized tunneling - Showcase application on the Wehrhahn-Lini project in D"usseldorf World Tunneling Congress (WTC 2014), 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 539 ] | Hydraulic effects of fracture in brittle porous materials PAMM, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 540 ] | Bićanić, N.; Mang, H.; Meschke, G.; De Borst, R. Foreword Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures - Proceedings of EURO-C 2014, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 541 ] | Meta model-based sensitivity analyses of soil-structure interaction in urban tunneling 14th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics (14IACMAG), 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 542 ] | Ninic, Jelena; Miro, Shorash; Guenther Meschke; Hartmann, Dietrich; Schanz, Tom Meta model-based sensitivity analyses of soil-structure interaction in urban tunneling Computer methods and recent advances in geomechanics, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 543 ] | Steffen Freitag; Cao, Ba Trung; Guenther Meschke Numerical predictions of surface settlements in mechanized tunneling Quantification, mitigation and management, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 544 ] | Numerical modeling of artificial ground freezing: multiphase modeling and strength upscaling Geo-Shanghai 2014 (Ground Improvement and Geosynthetics), 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 545 ] | Nguyen, Ngoc Minh; Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy Numerical analysis of multiple ion species diffusion and alkali-silica reaction in concrete Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 546 ] | Breitenbücher, Rolf; Guenther Meschke; Song, Fanbing; Zhan, Yijian Experimental, analytical and numerical analysis of the pullout behaviour of steel fibres considering different fibre types, inclinations and concrete strengths Structural concrete, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 547 ] | Sauer, R.A. Advances in the computational modeling of the gecko adhesion mechanism Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2014 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 548 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Duong, T.X.; Corbett, C.J. A computational formulation for constrained solid and liquid membranes considering isogeometric finite elements Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2014 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 549 ] | Gautam, S.S.; Sauer, R.A. A composite time integration scheme for dynamic adhesion and its application to gecko spatula peeling International Journal of Computational Methods, 2014 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 550 ] | Sauer, R.A. A contact theory for surface tension driven systems Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 2014-01-05 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 551 ] | Thang X. Duong; Roger A. Sauer An accurate quadrature technique for the contact boundary in 3D finite element computations Comput Mech, 2014-11-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 552 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Mergel, J.C. A geometrically exact finite beam element formulation for thin film adhesion and debonding Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2014 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 553 ] | Osman, M.; Sauer, R.A. A parametric study of the hydrophobicity of rough surfaces based on finite element computations Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 554 ] | Sauer, R.A. Stabilized finite element formulations for liquid membranes and their application to droplet contact International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2014-02-24 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 555 ] | Schmidt, M.G.; Sauer, R.A.; Ismail, A.E. Multiscale treatment of mechanical contact problems involving thin polymeric layers Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 2014 [ DOI ] |
[ 556 ] | Corbett, C.J.; Sauer, R.A. NURBS-enriched contact finite elements Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2014 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 557 ] | Mergel, J.C.; Sauer, R.A.; Saxena, A. Computational optimization of adhesive microstructures based on a nonlinear beam formulation Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2014-03-26 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
2013 | |
[ 558 ] | Alsahly, A.; Stascheit, J.; Meschke, G. Three dimensional re-meshing for real time modeling of advancing process in mechanized tunneling Adaptive Modeling and Simulation 2013 - Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation, ADMOS 2013, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 559 ] | Mergel, J.C.; Sauer, R.A. On the optimum shape of thin adhesive strips for various peeling directions Journal of Adhesion, 2013-08-30 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 560 ] | Alsahly, Abdullah; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Three dimensional re-meshing for real time modeling of advancing process in mechanized tunneling Adaptive modeling and simulation 2013, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 561 ] | Guenther Meschke; Cazes, Fabien A hourglass-free meshing method for underintegrated linear quadrilateral elements Finite elements in analysis and design, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 562 ] | Zhan, Yijian; Guenther Meschke; Universität Bochum. Subsurface Modeling and Engineering A multiscale oriented concept for the analyses of steel fiber reinforced concrete materials and structures Fracture mechanics of concrete structures, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 563 ] | Computational Methods in Tunneling (EURO:TUN 2013) , 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 564 ] | Alsahly, Abdullah; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Computational framework for 3D adaptive simulation of excavation and advancement processes in mechanized tunneling Computational methods in tunneling and subsurface engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 565 ] | Guenther Meschke; Schanz, Tom; Thewes, Markus; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; Soga, Kenichi; International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunneling and Subsurface Engineering, 3, 2013, Bochum Computational methods in tunneling and subsurface engineering , 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 566 ] | Concepts for Reliability Analyses in Mechanised Tunnelling -- Part 1: Theory Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunnelling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO:TUN 2013), 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 567 ] | Concepts for Reliability Analyses in Mechanised Tunnelling -- Part 2: Application Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Computational Methods in Tunnelling and Subsurface Engineering (EURO:TUN 2013), 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 568 ] | Guenther Meschke; Cazes, Fabien An imbricate finite element method (I-FEM) using full, reduced, and smoothed integration Computational mechanics, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 569 ] | Guenther Meschke; Cazes, F. An edge-based smoothed finite element method for 3D analysis of solid mechanics problems International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 570 ] | Bui, Hoang Giang; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke; Universität Bochum. Subsurface Modeling and Engineering A parallel block preconditioner for coupled simulations of partially saturated soils in finite element analyses Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 571 ] | Zhan, Yijian; Guenther Meschke; Universität Bochum. Subsurface Modeling and Engineering A multiscale oriented concept for the finite element analyses of fiber reinforced concrete tunnel linings Computational methods in tunneling and subsurface engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 572 ] | Zhou, Meng-Meng; Guenther Meschke A three-phase thermo-hydro-mechanical finite element model for freezing soils International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 573 ] | A three-phase THM coupled FE model for freezing soils International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 574 ] | An Edge-based Smoothed FEM (ES-FEM) for 3D analysis of solid mechanics problems International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 575 ] | Zhan, Y.; Meschke, G. A multiscale oriented concept for the analyses of steel fiber reinforced concrete materials and structures Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, FraMCoS 2013, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 576 ] | Sauer, R.A.; De Lorenzis, L. A computational contact formulation based on surface potentials Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 577 ] | Guenther Meschke; Ninic, Jelena; Stascheit, Janosch; Alsahly, Abdullah Parallelized computational modeling of pile-soil interactions in mechanized tunneling Special Issue in honour of Herbert Mang's 70th birthday, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 578 ] | Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke; Koch, Christian; Markus König; Hegeman, Felix Process-oriented simulation of mechanized tunneling using an IFC based tunnel product model Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 579 ] | Parallelized Computational Modeling of Pile-Soil Interactions in Mechanized Tunneling Engineering Structures, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 580 ] | Guenther Meschke; Founta, Vasiliki; Ninic, Jelena; Whittle, Andrew J. Numerical simulation of ground movements due To EPB tunnelling in clay Computational methods in tunneling and subsurface engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 581 ] | Jithender J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke Modeling electrolyte diffusion in cracked cementitious materials using cascade continuum micromechanics and phase-field models Fracture mechanics of concrete structures, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 582 ] | Ninic, J.; Stascheit, J.; Meschke, G. Simulation-based steering for mechanized tunneling using an ANN-PSO-based meta model Civil-Comp Proceedings, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 583 ] | Ninic, Jelena; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Simulation-based steering for mechanized tunneling using an ANN-PSO-based meta-model Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 584 ] | Strength Homogenization for Partially Frozen Soil using Linear Comparison Composite Approach. Poromechanics V, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 585 ] | Stascheit, Janosch; Koch, Christian; Hegemann, Felix; Markus König; Guenther Meschke; International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality, 13, 2013, London Process-oriented numerical simulation of mechanized tunneling using an IFC-based tunnel product model , 2013-10-31 [ DOI ] |
[ 586 ] | Special Issue in honour of Herbert Mang's 70th birthday: Selected papers from the Third International Symposium on Computational Mechanics in conjunction with the Second Symposium on Computational Structural Engineering (ISCM III - CSE II) (13 contributions) Engineering Structures, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 587 ] | Guenther Meschke; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; Hofstetter, Günter Special Issue in honour of Herbert Mang's 70th birthday Engineering structures, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 588 ] | Guenther Meschke; Steffen Freitag; Ninic, Jelena; Cao, Ba Trung Simulations- und monitoring-basierte Prozesssteuerung im maschinellen Tunnelbau Ingenieurwissen und Vorschriftenwerk, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 589 ] | Steffen Freitag; Stascheit, Janosch; Cao, Ba Trung; Guenther Meschke; Beer, M.; Phoom, K. K. Konzepte fuer Zuverlaessigkeitsanalysen in mechanisierten Rohr-Untertunnelungen Computational methods in tunneling and subsurface engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 590 ] | Zhan, Yijian; Guenther Meschke Finite element analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete with a multiscale oriented modeling concept Fracture mechanics of concrete structures, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 591 ] | Stascheit, Janosch; Steffen Freitag; Ninic, Jelena; Cao, Ba Trung; Guenther Meschke; Beer, Michael; Phoon, Kok Kwang Concepts for reliability analyses in mechanised tunnelling: Part 2: application Computational methods in tunneling and subsurface engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 592 ] | Raheel Rasool; Muhammad Osman; Roger A. Sauer Computational Modeling of Liquid Droplets Moving on Rough Surfaces Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2013-11 [ DOI ] |
[ 593 ] | Saxena, A.; Sauer, R. Combined gradient-stochastic optimization with negative circular masks for large deformation topologies International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 594 ] | Gautam, S.S.; Sauer, R.A. An energy-momentum-conserving temporal discretization scheme for adhesive contact problems International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 595 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Holl, M. A detailed 3D finite element analysis of the peeling behaviour of a gecko spatula Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 596 ] | Muhammad Osman; Raheel Rasool; Roger A. Sauer Computational Aspects of Self-Cleaning Surface Mechanisms Advances in Contact Angle, Wettability and Adhesion, 2013-08-09 [ DOI ] |
[ 597 ] | Wessels, Nicola; Dang, Thai Son; Klaus Hackl; Guenther Meschke Cutting and material transport in EPB shield machines Computational methods in tunneling and subsurface engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 598 ] | Guenther Meschke; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; Hofstetter, Günter Editorial Engineering structures, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 599 ] | Cao, Ba Trung; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke; Chmelina, Klaus Enhanced monitoring and simulation assisted tunnelling (EMSAT) Computational methods in tunneling and subsurface engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 600 ] | Guenther Meschke; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; Hofstetter, Günter Editorial Special Issue in honour of Herbert Mang's 70th birthday, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 601 ] | Eberhardsteiner, J.; Hofstetter, G.; Meschke, G. Editorial Engineering Structures, 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 602 ] | Diffusion in fracturing porous materials: Characterizing topological effects using Cascade Micromechanics and Phase-field models Poromechanics V (ASCE), 2013 [ DOI ] |
[ 603 ] | Steffen Freitag; Stascheit, Janosch; Ninic, Jelena; Cao, Ba Trung; Guenther Meschke; Beer, Michael; Phoon, Kok Kwang Concepts for reliability analyses in mechanised tunnelling: Part 1: Theory Computational methods in tunneling and subsurface engineering, 2013 [ DOI ] |
2012 | |
[ 604 ] | Two imbricate finite element methods with smooth approximations, Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 605 ] | Computational Modeling of Hydraulic Fracturing in Partially Saturated Porous Materials using X-FEM ESMC-2012 - 8th European Solid Mechanics Conference, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 606 ] | Guenther Meschke Computational modeling of hydraulic fracturing in partially saturated porous materials using X-FEM Book of abstracts / ESMC-2012, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 607 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Guenther Meschke; Bezuijen, Adam Flow around a tbm Geotechnical aspects of underground construction in soft ground, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 608 ] | Bezuijen, A.; Nagel, F.; Meschke, G. Flow around a TBM: A comparison of analytical and numerical models Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground - Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 609 ] | Guenther Meschke; Cazes, Fabien An edge-based imbricate finite element method (EI-FEM) with full and reduced integration Computers & structures, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 610 ] | Zhou, Meng-Meng; Guenther Meschke A three-phase THM-coupled FE model for freezing soils International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 611 ] | Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy A cascade micromechanics model for diffusion in porous materials Journal of the mechanics and physics of solids, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 612 ] | A Multiscale Model for the Finite Element Analysis of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete IASS-IACM 2012: 7th International Conference on Computational Mechanics for Spatial Structures, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 613 ] | Zhan, Yijian; Guenther Meschke A multiscale model for the finite element analysis of steel fiber reinforced concrete IASS-IACM 2012, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 614 ] | Flow around a TBM: A Comparison of analytical and numerical models Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 615 ] | Bezuijen, A.; Nagel, F.; Meschke, G. Flow around a TBM: A Comparison of analytical and numerical models Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 616 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Numerical simulation of interactions between the Shield-supported tunnel construction process and the response of soft water-saturated soils International journal of geomechanics, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 617 ] | Guenther Meschke; Alsahly, Abdullah; Ninic, Jelena; Stascheit, Janosch Parallelized simulations of advancement processes and soil-structure interactions in mechanized tunneling Third international symposium on computational mechanics, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 618 ] | Guenther Meschke; Cazes , F. Two imbricate finite element methods with smooth approximations ECCOMAS 2012, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 619 ] | Zhou, Meng-Meng; Guenther Meschke Numerical modeling of coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical processes in artificial ground freezing ECCOMAS 2012, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 620 ] | Numerical modeling of coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical processes in artificial ground freezing CD-ROM Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 621 ] | Guenther Meschke; Leonhart, Dirk; Dang, Thai-Son; Nguyen, Minh Ngoc Isogeometric and poromechanics extended finite element models for crack propagation in single and two-phase materials Trends & challenges in computational mechanics, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 622 ] | Grytz, Rafael; Guenther Meschke; Sigal, Ian A.; Ruberti, Jeffrey W.; Downs, J. Crawford Lamina cribrosa thickening in early glaucoma predicted by a microstructure motivated growth and remodeling approach Mechanics of materials, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 623 ] | Jithender J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke Multiscale modeling of electrolyte diffusion in fracturing materials ECCOMAS 2012, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 624 ] | Cazes, F.; Meschke, G. Two Imbricate Finite Element Methods with smooth approximations ECCOMAS 2012 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, e-Book Full Papers, 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 625 ] | Multiscale modeling of electrolyte diffusion in fracturing materials CD-ROM Proceedings of the 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering (ECCOMAS 2012), 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 626 ] | Sauer, R.A. Local finite element enrichment strategies for 2D contact computations and a corresponding post-processing scheme Computational Mechanics, 2012-10-18 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 627 ] | Raheel Rasool; Roger A. Sauer; Muhammad Osman Internal Flow Analysis for Slow Moving Small Droplets in Contact with Hydrophobic Surfaces Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2012 [ DOI ] |
[ 628 ] | Sauer, R.A. Computational contact formulations for soft body adhesion Advances in Soft Matter Mechanics, 2012 [ DOI ] |
2011 | |
[ 629 ] | Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Modelle und Lösungsmethoden für parallelisierte numerische Simulationen von Vortriebsprozessen im maschinellen Tunnelbau Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik-Baupraxis 11, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 630 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofstetter, Günter Numerical modeling of concrete cracking Courses and lectures / International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 631 ] | Ninic, J.; Stascheit, J.; Meschke, G. Numerical simulation of interactions between TBM-driven tunnel construction and pile foundations Computer Methods for Geomechanics: Frontiers and New Applications, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 632 ] | Numerical Modeling of Concrete Cracking , 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 633 ] | Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy Micromechanics model for tortuosity and homogenized diffusion properties of porous materials with distributed micro-cracks Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 634 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Guenther Meschke Grout and bentonite flow around a TBM Tunnelling and underground space technology, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 635 ] | Leonhart, Dirk; Guenther Meschke Extended finite element method for hygro-mechanical analysis of crack propagation in porous materials Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 636 ] | Grout and bentonite flow around a TBM: Numerical simulations addressing its impact on surface settlements Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 637 ] | Isogeometric and Coupled Isogeometric-XFEM Analysis for the Modeling of Propagating Discontinuities Computational Plasticity, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 638 ] | Kemper, Melanie; Hofmann, Michael; Guenther Meschke Lebensdauerorientierte Modellierung von Stahlbetontragwerken unter Berücksichtigung der Bewehrungskorrosion Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik-Baupraxis 11, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 639 ] | Isogeometric and Poromechanics Extended Finite Element Models for crack propagation in single and two-phase materials Trends and Challenges in Computational Mechanics, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 640 ] | Ninic, Jelena; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Numerical simulation of interactions between TBM-driven tunnel construction and pile foundations Computer methods for Geomechanics, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 641 ] | Numerical Simulation of Interactions between the Shield Supported Tunnel Construction Process and the Response of Soft, Water Saturated Soils International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 642 ] | Hofstetter, G.; Meschke, G. Preface CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Courses and Lectures, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 643 ] | Ninic, Jelena; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke; Universität Bochum. Subsurface Modeling and Engineering Prediction of tunnelling induced settlements using simulation-based artificial neural networks Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Soft Computing Technology in Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 644 ] | Guenther Meschke; Grasberger, Stefan; Becker, Christian; Jox, Stefan Smeared Crack and X-FEM models in the context of poromechanics Numerical modeling of concrete cracking, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 645 ] | Grytz, Rafael; Guenther Meschke; Jonas, Jost B. The collagen fibril architecture in the lamina cribrosa and peripapillary sclera predicted by a computational remodeling approach Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 646 ] | Guenther Meschke; Leonhart, Dirk; Dang, Thai-Son; Nguyen, Minh Ngoc Isogeometric and coupled isogeometric-XFEM analysis for the modeling of propagating discontinuities , 2011-09-06 [ DOI ] |
[ 647 ] | Zhou, Meng-Meng; Guenther Meschke Numerical modelling of coupling mechanisms during freezing in porous materials Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2011-12-09 [ DOI ] |
[ 648 ] | Ninic, J.; Stascheit, J.; Meschke, G. Prediction of tunnelling induced settlements using simulation-based artificial neural networks Civil-Comp Proceedings, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 649 ] | Parallelized Simulations of Advancement Processes and Soil-Structure Interactions in Mechanized Tunneling Third International Symposium on Computational Mechanics (ISCM III), 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 650 ] | Numerical simulation of NATM tunnel construction for the Bocac tunnel project - A comparison of 2D and 3D analyses 1st International Congress on Tunnels andUunderground Structures in South-East Europe - Using Underground Space, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 651 ] | Guenther Meschke; Nagel, F; Stascheit, J Numerical Simulation of Interactions between the Shield Supported Tunnel Construction Process and the Response of Soft, Water Saturated Soils International Journal of Geomechanics (ASCE), 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 652 ] | Ninic, Jelena; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke; Divac, Dejan Numerical simulation of NATM tunnel construction for the Bocac tunnel project Using underground space, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 653 ] | Stascheit, J.; Eitzen, M.; Meschke, G. Parallel simulation of shield tunnelling on distributed memory and GPGPU systems Civil-Comp Proceedings, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 654 ] | Stascheit, Janosch; Eitzen, Marco; Guenther Meschke Parallel simulation of shield tunnelling on distributed memory and GPGPU systems Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Parallel, Distributed, Grid and Cloud Computing for Engineering 2011, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 655 ] | Guenther Meschke; Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch Computational simulation of mechanized tunneling as part of an integrated decision support platform International journal of geomechanics, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 656 ] | Numerical modelling of coupling mechanisms during freezing in porous materials Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 657 ] | Computational Mechanics of Multiphase Problems - Modeling Strategies at different Scales Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 658 ] | Sauer, R.A. Challenges in computational nanoscale contact mechanics Recent Developments and Innovative Applications in Computational Mechanics, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 659 ] | Sauer, R.A. Enriched contact finite elements for stable peeling computations International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2011 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 660 ] | Sauer, R.A. The peeling behavior of thin films with finite bending stiffness and the implications on gecko adhesion Journal of Adhesion, 2011 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 661 ] | Zhou, M.; Meschke, G. A three-phase finite element model of water-infiltrated porous materials subjected to freezing Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering, COUPLED PROBLEMS 2011, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 662 ] | Muhammad Osman; Roger A. Sauer A Two-Dimensional Computational Droplet Contact Model Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 663 ] | Zhou, Meng-Meng; Guenther Meschke A three-phase finite element model of water-infiltrated porous materials subjected to freezing Computational methods for coupled problems in science and engineering IV, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 664 ] | Guenther Meschke; Leonhart, Dirk; Jithender J. Timothy; Zhou, Meng-Meng Computational mechanics of multiphase problems 19th international conference on Computer Methods in Mechanics, CMM-2011, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 665 ] | Guenther Meschke; Leonhart, Dirk; Zhou, Meng-Meng; Jithender J. Timothy Computational mechanics of multiphase problems Computer assisted mechanics and engineering sciences, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 666 ] | Jithender J. Timothy; Guenther Meschke; Leonhart, Dirk; Zhou, Meng-Meng Computational mechanics of multiphase materials Computer assisted mechanics and engineering sciences, 2011 [ DOI ] |
[ 667 ] | Zhou, Meng-Meng; Guenther Meschke A three-phase finite element model of water-infiltrated porous materials subjected to freezing Innovative tools for scientific computation in aeronautical engineering, 2011 [ DOI ] |
2010 | |
[ 668 ] | Grytz, Rafael; Guenther Meschke A computational remodeling approach to predict the physiological architecture of the collagen fibril network in corneo-scleral shells Biomechanics and modeling in mechanobiology, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 669 ] | A Hybrid Modeling Concept for Ultra Low Cycle Fatigue of Metallic Structures based on Micropore Damage and Unit Cell Models International Journal of Fatigue, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 670 ] | Becker, Christian; Jox, Stefan; Guenther Meschke 3D higher-order X-FEM model for the simulation of cohesive cracks in cementitious materials considering hygro-mechanical couplings Computer modeling in engineering & sciences, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 671 ] | Bangert, Falko; Guenther Meschke; Gofman, M. Numerical simulation of ASR induced deterioration of concrete beams based on a Hygro-Chemo-Mechanical model Service life design for infrastructure, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 672 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Guenther Meschke An elasto-plastic three phase model for partially saturated soil for the finite element simulation of compressed air support in tunnelling International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 673 ] | Becker, C.; Jox, S.; Meschke, G. 3D higher-order X-FEM model for the simulation of cohesive cracks in cementitious materials considering hygro-mechanical couplings CMES - Computer Modeling in Engineering and Sciences, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 674 ] | Guenther Meschke; Vrech, Sonia M.; Etse, Guillermo; Martinelli, Enzo; Caggiano, Antonio Meso- and macroscopic models for fiber-reinforced concrete Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 675 ] | Numerisches Modell für Schildvortriebe im Rahmen eines integrierten Entwurfsunterstützungssystems: Simulation von Druckluftintervention Festschrift Dr. Hirschfeld, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 676 ] | Kemper, Melanie; Kruschwitz, Jens; Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy Modeling of Chloride and CO2 transport in intact and cracked concrete in the context of corrosion predictions of RC structures Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 677 ] | Guenther Meschke; Rumanus, Erkan Homogenization-based model for reinforced concrete Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 678 ] | Kruschwitz, Jens; Guenther Meschke; Jithender J. Timothy Determination of homogenized diffusion properties in micro-cracked porous materials Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 679 ] | Determination of homogenized diffusion properties in micro-cracked porous materials Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 680 ] | Guenther Meschke; Bićanić, Nenad; Borst, René de; Mang, Herbert; EURO-C (2010 : Rohrmoos) Computational modelling of concrete structures , 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 681 ] | Zhou, Meng-Meng; Nagel, Felix; Kruschwitz, Jens; Guenther Meschke A two-phase Finite Element model for coupled heat flux and water flow in fully saturated soils Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2010-03-05 [ DOI ] |
[ 682 ] | Numerical Simulation of ASR induced Deterioration of Concrete Beams Based on a Hygro-Chemo-Mechanical Model 2nd Symposium on Service Life Design for Infrastructure, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 683 ] | Guenther Meschke; Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch Numerisches Modell für Schildvortriebe im Rahmen eines integrierten Entwurfsunterstützungssystems Innovationen im konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 684 ] | Sauer, R.A. A computational model for nanoscale adhesion between deformable solids and its application to gecko adhesion Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 685 ] | Muhammad Osman; Roger A. Sauer Mechanical Modeling of Particle-Droplet Interaction Motivated by the Study of Self-Cleaning Mechanisms Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2010-11 [ DOI ] |
[ 686 ] | The collagen fibril architecture in the lamina cribrosa and peripapillary sclera predicted by a computational remodeling approach Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 687 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Process-oriented numerical simulation of shield-supported tunnelling in soft soils Geomechanics and tunnelling, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 688 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Process-oriented numerical simulation of shield tunneling in soft soils Geomechanics and tunnelling, 2010 [ DOI ] |
[ 689 ] | Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures, Balkema, Rotterdam , 2010 [ DOI ] |
2009 | |
[ 690 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hartmann, Dietrich; Thewes, Markus; Beer, Gernot; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; EURO:TUN (2 : 2009 : Bochum) Computational methods in tunnelling , 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 691 ] | Grytz, Rafael; Guenther Meschke Constitutive modeling of crimped collagen fibrils in soft tissues Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 692 ] | Grytz, R.; Meschke, G. Glaucoma and numerical modeling and remodeling of the lamina cribrosa at multiple scales Computational Plasticity X - Fundamentals and Applications, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 693 ] | Deterioration of Materials and Structures Lifetime-Oriented Structural Design Concepts, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 694 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke; Krimpmann, Sandra; Kruschwitz, Jens Der Beton lebt Rubin / Sonderheft, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 695 ] | Höffer, Rüdiger; Stangenberg, Friedhelm; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Bruhns, Otto T.; Hartmann, Dietrich; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Damage-oriented actions and environmental impact on materials and structures Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 696 ] | Stangenberg, Friedhelm; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Bruhns, Otto T.; Hartmann, Dietrich; Höffer, Rüdiger; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Lifetime-oriented design concepts Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts, 2009-11-25 [ DOI ] |
[ 697 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke; Bezuijen, Adam Measurements and simulations of fluid and ground pressures around a TBM Computational methods in tunnelling, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 698 ] | Grytz, Rafael; Guenther Meschke Microstructure-oriented modeling and computational remodeling of the collagen network in corneo-scleral shells ECCOMAS Multidisciplinary Jubilee Symposium, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 699 ] | Lifetime-Oriented Structural Design Concepts , 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 700 ] | Stangenberg, Friedhelm; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Bruhns, Otto T.; Hartmann, Dietrich; Höffer, Rüdiger; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts , 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 701 ] | Grytz, Rafael; Guenther Meschke Glaucoma and numerical modeling and remodeling of the Lamina Cribrosa at multiple scales Computational plasticity X, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 702 ] | Computational Methods in Tunneling (EURO:TUN 2009) , 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 703 ] | Grytz, Rafael; Guenther Meschke Multiscale modeling and computational remodeling of human eye tissues Digital proceedings, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 704 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hommel, Jan-Hendrik Müde Metalle Rubin / Sonderheft, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 705 ] | Stangenberg, Friedhelm; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Bruhns, Otto T.; Hartmann, Dietrich; Höffer, Rüdiger; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Deterioration of materials and structures Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts, 2009-11-25 [ DOI ] |
[ 706 ] | Stangenberg, Friedhelm; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Bruhns, Otto T.; Hartmann, Dietrich; Höffer, Rüdiger; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Future life time oriented design concepts Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts, 2009-11-25 [ DOI ] |
[ 707 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke; Gens, A.; Rodic, T. Process-oriented numerical simulation of mechanised tunnelling Technology innovation in underground construction, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 708 ] | Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke; Dadvand, Pooyan Parallelisation techniques for the numerical simulation of shield tunnelling processes Computational methods in tunnelling, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 709 ] | Guenther Meschke; Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Stavropoulou, M.; Exadaktylos, George E. Numerical simulation of the shield supported tunnel conctruction process in partially saturated soil Safe tunnelling for the city and for the environment, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 710 ] | Stangenberg, Friedhelm; Breitenbücher, Rolf; Bruhns, Otto T.; Hartmann, Dietrich; Höffer, Rüdiger; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Methodological implementation Lifetime-oriented structural design concepts, 2009-11-25 [ DOI ] |
[ 711 ] | Multiscale Modeling and Computational Rermodeling of Human Eye Tissues International Conference on the Applications of Computer Science and Mathematics in Architecture and Civil Engineering (IKM), 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 712 ] | Sauer, R.A. A finite element seta model for studying Gecko adhesion ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 713 ] | Roger A. Sauer A three-dimensional multiscale finite element model describing the adhesion of a gecko seta Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 714 ] | Sauer, R.A. Multiscale modelling and simulation of the deformation and adhesion of a single gecko seta Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 2009 [ DOI ] [ PDF ] |
[ 715 ] | Roger Sauer A computational contact model for nanoscale rubber adhesion Constitutive Models for Rubber VI, 2009-09 [ DOI ] |
[ 716 ] | Becker, Christian; Jox, Stefan; Guenther Meschke Anisotropic and field-specific higher order spatial discretization methods for multiphase durability analyses Computers & structures, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 717 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Wriggers, P. Formulation and analysis of a three-dimensional finite element implementation for adhesive contact at the nanoscale Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 718 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofmann, Michael; Müller, Stephan 3D multisurface model for chipboard at large strains Computational plasticity X, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 719 ] | A two-phase Finite Element model for coupled heat flux and water flow in fully saturated soils Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 720 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke A simulation model for shield tunnelling and its interactions with partially saturated soil Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 721 ] | 3D multisurface model for chipboard at large strains: Theory, algorithmic stabilization and numerical simulations of anchor pull-out tests International Conference on Computational Plasticity (Complas 2009), 2009 [ DOI ] |
[ 722 ] | A computational re-modeling approach to predict the physiological architecture of the collagen fibril network in corneo-scleral shells Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 2009 [ DOI ] |
2008 | |
[ 723 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofmann, Michael; Universität Bochum / Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik; Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften Dreidimensionale numerische Untersuchungen des Tragverhaltens von Spreizdübeln in Holzplatten mit konisch vorgebohrtem Bohrloch , 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 724 ] | Hommel, Jan-Hendrik; Guenther Meschke EAS concept for higher-order finite shell elements to eliminate volumetric locking International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 725 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofmann, Michael; Universität Bochum / Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik; Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften Dreidimensionale numerische Untersuchungen des Tragverhaltens von Spreizdübeln in Holzplatten , 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 726 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofmann, Michael; Universität Bochum / Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik; Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften Entwicklungsarbeiten zur algorithmischen Ertüchtigung nichtlinearer Analysen auf Basis des Werkstoffmodells für Spanplattenmaterial , 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 727 ] | Stascheit, Janosch; Nagel, Felix Josef; Guenther Meschke Automatic web-based numerical modelling of shield tunnelling 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM8, 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2008, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 728 ] | Guenther Meschke Europe goes underground Rubin / Sonderheft, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 729 ] | Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Batch controlled pre-processing for shield tunnelling problems in GID GiD 2008, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 730 ] | Grytz, Rafael; Guenther Meschke Consistent micro-macro transitions at large objective strains in curvilinear convective coordinates International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 731 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Numerische Simulation als Teil eines integrierten Entwurfsunterstützungssystems für den Tunnelbau Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik-Baupraxis 10 am 17. und 18. März 2008 in Karlsruhe, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 732 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke An interface method for the coupling of dissimilar finite element meshes for the simulation of partially saturated soils 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM8, 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2008, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 733 ] | Jox, Stefan; Becker, Christian; Guenther Meschke Three-dimensional higher order X-FEM model for multifield durability and failure analysis of concrete structures Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 734 ] | Guenther Meschke; Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Stavropoulou, M.; Exadaktylos, George E. Numerical simulation of mechanized tunnelling as part of an integrated optimization platform for tunnelling design Geomechanics in the emerging social and technological age, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 735 ] | Meschke, G.; Nagel, F.; Stascheit, J.; Stavropoulou, M.; Exadaktylos, G. Numerical simulation of mechanized tunnelling as part of an integrated optimization platform for tunnelling design 12th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics 2008, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 736 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofmann, Michael; Universität Bochum / Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik; Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften Modifiziertes numerisches Werkstoffmodell für Spanplatten , 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 737 ] | Numerical simulation of mechanized tunnelling as part of an integrated optimization platform for tunnelling design Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the International Association for Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, IACMAG, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 738 ] | Rumanus, Erkan; Guenther Meschke Modelling of reinforced concrete by means of homogenization approach including steel-concrete interactions 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM8, 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2008, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 739 ] | Grytz, Rafael; Guenther Meschke Computational re-modeling of the crimped collagene fibril architecture in corneal and scleral tissue 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM8, 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2008, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 740 ] | Roger A. Sauer An atomic interaction-based rod formulation for modelling Gecko adhesion Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 741 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Guenther Meschke A three-phase FE-model for the simulation of partially saturated soils Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 742 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Wang, G.; Li, S. The composite Eshelby tensors and their applications to homogenization Acta Mechanica, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 743 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Li, S. An atomistically enriched continuum model for nanoscale contact mechanics and its application to contact scaling Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 744 ] | Nagel, F.; Stascheit, J.; Meschke, G. 3D numerical simulation of heading face support in partially saturated soils for shield tunnelling 12th International Conference on Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics 2008, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 745 ] | Jox, Stefan; Becker, Christian; Guenther Meschke 3D higher order X-FEM model for hygro-mechanical analysis of cracked cementitious materials 8th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM8, 5th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2008, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 746 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke A numerical simulation model for shield tunnelling with compressed air support Geomechanics and tunnelling, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 747 ] | A simulation model for shield tunnelling with compressed air Geomechanics and Tunneling, 2008 [ DOI ] |
[ 748 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke 3D numerical simulation of heading face support in partially saturated soils for shield tunnelling Geomechanics in the emerging social and technological age, 2008 [ DOI ] |
2007 | |
[ 749 ] | Hommel, Jan-Hendrik; Guenther Meschke Mechanism-oriented simulation of low cycle fatigue of metallic structures Lifetime-oriented design concepts, 2007, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 750 ] | Hygro-mechanical coupled analyses of cracked cementitious materials in the framework of the extended finite element method FRAMCOS-6, 6th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 751 ] | Jox, S.; Becker, C.; Meschke, G. Hygro-mechanical modeling of cracked concrete in the framework of the X-FEM Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures - Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 752 ] | Stangenberg, Friedhelm; Bruhns, Otto T.; Hartmann, Dietrich; Guenther Meschke; International Conference Lifetime Oriented Design Concepts (3 : 2007 : Bochum); Sonderforschungsbereich Lebensdauerorientierte Entwurfskonzepte unter Schädigungs- und Deteriorationsaspekten Lifetime-oriented design concepts, 2007 , 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 753 ] | Jox, Stefan; Becker, Christian; Guenther Meschke Hygro-mechanical modeling of cracked concrete in the framework ofthe X-FEM Fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 754 ] | Guenther Meschke; Dumstorff, Peter How does the crack know how to propagate? Nonlocal modelling of failure of materials, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 755 ] | Becker, Christian; Jox, Stefan; Guenther Meschke Higher-order continuous and discontinuous discretization methods for life-time oriented multifield analyses of concrete structures Lifetime-oriented design concepts, 2007, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 756 ] | Jox, Stefan; Becker, Christian; Guenther Meschke Higher order discretization concept for 3D multifield analyses of cracked concrete structures Computational plasticity, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 757 ] | Rumanus, E.; Meschke, G. Homogenization-based modelling of reinforced concrete in the context of durability-oriented analyses Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Fracture Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 758 ] | Rumanus, Erkan; Guenther Meschke Homogenization-based modelling of reinforced concrete in the context of durability-oriented analyses Fracture mechanics of concrete and concrete structures, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 759 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofmann, Michael; Universität Bochum / Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik; Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften Neue Definition des Wichtungsparameters der nicht-assoziierten Potentialfunktion , 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 760 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofmann, Michael; Universität Bochum / Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik; Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften Zusammenstellung aller durchgeführten Benchmark-Tests , 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 761 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofstetter, Günter Special Issue: Advanced Models for fracture in Quasi-Brittle Materials International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 762 ] | Three-Phase modeling in partially saturated soils Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 763 ] | Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Guenther Meschke Three-phase modeling and numerical simulation of shield tunnelling in partially saturated soils CD-ROM proceedings, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 764 ] | Three-Phase modeling and numerical simulation of shield tunnelling in partially saturated soils Computational Methods in Tunnelling (EURO:TUN 2007), 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 765 ] | Jox, S.; Becker, C.; Meschke, G. Higher order discretization concept for 3D multifield analyses of cracked concrete structures Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS IX, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 766 ] | Hommel, Jan-Hendrik; Guenther Meschke Unit-cell and micropore damage models for low cycle fatigue analysis of ductile materials Computational plasticity, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 767 ] | Hommel, J.-H.; Meschke, G. Unit-cell and micropore damage models for low cycle fatigue analysis of ductile metals Computational Plasticity - Fundamentals and Applications, COMPLAS IX, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 768 ] | Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Lifetime-Oriented Design Concepts (ICLODC 2007) , 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 769 ] | Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Modelling in Tunnelling EURO:TUN 2007 , 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 770 ] | Special Issue ,,Advanced Models for Fracture in Quasi- Brittle Materials (12 contributions) International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Volume 31 (1-2), 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 771 ] | Guenther Meschke; Dumstorff, Peter; Fleming Petri, Wagner Carlos Variational extended finite element model for cohesive cracks IUTAM Symposium on Discretization Methods for Evolving Discontinuities, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 772 ] | Numerical Analysis of Dissolution Processes in Cementitious Materials using Discontinuous and Continuous Galerkin Time Integration Schemes International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 773 ] | Kruschwitz, Jens; Krimpmann, Sandra; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke; Bevanda, I.; Setzer, Max Josef Durability of cementitious materials and the role of the pore structure Lifetime-oriented design concepts, 2007, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 774 ] | Li, S.; Wang, G.; Sauer, R.A. The eshelby tensors in a finite spherical domain - Part II: Applications to homogenization Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 775 ] | A computational electro-chemo-mechanical model for calciumhydroxide dissolution-diffusion Transport in Concrete: Nano- to Macrostructure, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 776 ] | Hofstetter, G.; Meschke, G. Advanced models for fracture in quasi-brittle materials International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 777 ] | Guenther Meschke; Nagel, Felix Josef; Stascheit, Janosch; Kasper, Thomas Advanced numerical simulation in shield tunnelling and its role in design and steering CD-ROM proceedings, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 778 ] | Li, S.; Sauer, R.A.; Wang, G. The eshelby tensors in a finite spherical domain - Part I: Theoretical formulations Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions ASME, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 779 ] | Roger A. Sauer; Shaofan Li An atomic interaction-based continuum model for computational multiscale contact mechanics Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 780 ] | Guenther Meschke Europa geht unter die Erde Rubin / Sonderheft, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 781 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Li, S. A contact mechanics model for quasi-continua International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 782 ] | Sauer, R.A.; Li, S. An atomic interaction-based continuum model for adhesive contact mechanics Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 783 ] | Stascheit, Janosch; Nagel, Felix Josef; Guenther Meschke; Stavropoulou, M.; Exadaktylos, George E. An automatic modeller for Finite Element Simulations of Shield tunnelling CD-ROM proceedings, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 784 ] | Krimpmann, Sandra; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke A computational electro-chemo-mechanical model for calciumhydroxide dissolution-diffusion Transport in concrete, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 785 ] | Guenther Meschke; P. Dumstorff Energy-based modeling of cohesive and cohesionless cracks via X-FEM Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 786 ] | Guenther Meschke; Dumstorff, Peter Energy-based modeling of cohesive and cohesionless cracks via X-FEM Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 787 ] | An incompressible shell element with crimped collagen fibres for numerical analyses of the human eye Modelling of heterogeneous materials with applications in construction and biomedical engineering, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 788 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofmann, Michael; Universität Bochum / Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik; Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften Entwicklung und Implementierung eines impliziten viskoplastischen Integrationsverfahrens auf Basis der Sub-Inkrementierungstechnik , 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 789 ] | Guenther Meschke; Dumstorff, Peter Crack propagation criteria in the framework of X-FEM-based structural analyses Special Issue: Advanced Models for fracture in Quasi-Brittle Materials, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 790 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofmann, Michael; Universität Bochum / Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik; Ruhr-Universität Bochum; Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften Entwicklung und Implementierung einer kombinierten implizit-expliziten Lösungsmethode , 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 791 ] | Grytz, Rafael; Guenther Meschke An incompressible shell element with crimped collagen fibres for numerical analyses of the human eye MHM 2007 - Modelling of heterogeneous materials with applications in construction and biomedical engineering, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 792 ] | Computational aspects of a variational Extended Finite Element model for cohesive cracks: Influence of integration and interface law IUTAM Symposium on Discretization Methods for Evolving Discontinuities, 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 793 ] | Guenther Meschke; Eberhardsteiner, Josef CD-ROM proceedings , 2007 [ DOI ] |
[ 794 ] | Krimpmann, Sandra; Guenther Meschke; Kuhl, Detlef; Agüero Espindola, P. A. Chemical reactions in cementitious materials Lifetime-oriented design concepts, 2007, 2007 [ DOI ] |
2006 | |
[ 795 ] | Guenther Meschke; Jox, Stefan; Dumstorff, Peter; Fleming Petri, Wagner Carlos Numerical analysis of crack propagation in concrete structures using X-FEM Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 796 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Bangert, Falko; Becker, Christian; Krimpmann, Sandra; Rumanus, Erkan; Guenther Meschke Numerical methods for durability analyses Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 797 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Numerical analysis of dissolution processes in cementitious materials using discontinuous and continuous Galerkin time integration schemes International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 798 ] | Kasper, Thomas; Guenther Meschke On the influence of face pressure, grouting pressure and TBM design in soft ground tunnelling Tunnelling and underground space technology, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 799 ] | Kasper, Thomas; Guenther Meschke Parametric studies for shield tunnelling in soft soils Geotechnical aspects of underground construction in soft ground, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 800 ] | Meschke, G.; Dumstorff, P.; Fleming, W.; Jox, S. Numerical analysis of crack propagation in concrete structures using X-FEM Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures - Proceedings of EURO-C 2006, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 801 ] | Krimpmann, S.; Kuhl, D.; Meschke, G. Simulation of transport processes in cementitious materials by continuous and discontinuous Galerkin schemes Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures - Proceedings of EURO-C 2006, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 802 ] | Krimpmann, Sandra; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Simulation of transport processes in cementitious materials by continuous and discontinuous galerkin schemes Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 803 ] | Kasper, T.; Meschke, G. Parametric studies for shield tunnelling in soft soils Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground - Proceedings of the 5th International Conference of TC28 of the ISSMGE, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 804 ] | Jox, Stefan; Guenther Meschke; Dumstorff, Peter Aspects of crack propagation and hygro-mechanical coupling using X-FEM III European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 805 ] | Guenther Meschke; Jox, Stefan; Dumstorff, Peter; Fleming Petri, Wagner Carlos Computational failure analysis of concrete structures using the extended finite element method Neue Bauweisen, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 806 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Generalized modelling and numerical analysis of multiphysics problems Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 807 ] | Grytz, Rafael; Guenther Meschke Computational homogenization in multi-scale shell analysis at large strains III European Conference on Computational Mechanics, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 808 ] | Kasper, Thomas; Guenther Meschke A numerical study of the effect of soil and grout material properties and cover depth in shield tunnelling Computers and geotechnics, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 809 ] | Kuhl, D.; Meschke, G. Generalized modeling and numerical analysis of multiphysics problems - Application to chemo-mechanical damage of concrete Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures - Proceedings of EURO-C 2006, 2006 [ DOI ] |
[ 810 ] | Guenther Meschke Eine europäische Technologieoffensive im Tunnelbau Beratende Ingenieure, 2006 [ DOI ] |
2005 | |
[ 811 ] | Rumanus, Erkan; Guenther Meschke; Carmeliet, J.; Roels, S. Modelling of Interactions between cracking, shrinkage and creep within coupled hygro-mechanical analyses of cemetitious materials Computational plasticity, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 812 ] | Kasper, T.; Meschke, G. Numerical studies of the interactions in shield tunnelling in soft ground,Numerische untersuchungen zu den wechselwirkungen bei schildvortrieben im lockergestein Bauingenieur, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 813 ] | Rumanus, E.; Meschke, G.; Carmeliet, J.; Roels, S. Modelling of interactions between cracking, shrinkage and creep within coupled hygro-mechanical analyses of cementitious materials Computational Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS VIII, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 814 ] | Guenther Meschke; Dumstorff, Peter Modelling of cohesive and non-cohesive cracks via X-FEM based on global energy criteria Computational plasticity, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 815 ] | Kasper, Thomas; Guenther Meschke Numerische Simulationen im maschinellen Tunnelbau Interaktionsprobleme im Ingenieurbau, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 816 ] | Dumstorff, P.; Meschke, G. Modelling of cohesive and non-cohesive cracks via X-FEM based on global energy criteria Computational Plasticity: Fundamentals and Applications - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computational Plasticity, COMPLAS VIII, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 817 ] | Guenther Meschke; Kasper, Thomas Simulationsgestützte Quantifizierung von Setzungseinflüssen im maschinellen Tunnelbau Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis 9, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 818 ] | Carstens-Behrens, Sönke; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Static and dynamic analysis of tensegrity structures by galerkin methods Proceedings of the 1st GACM Symposium, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 819 ] | Becker, Christian; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Higher order discretization concepts for durability-oriented multifield analyses of structures Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 820 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Simulation of dynamic buckling of shells by discontinuous and continuous galerkin integration schemes Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computation of Shell and Spatial Structures, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 821 ] | Parametric Studies for Shield tunnelling in Soft Soils Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 822 ] | Kasper, Thomas; Guenther Meschke Numerische Untersuchungen zu den Wechselwirkungen bei Schildvortrieben im Lockergestein Bauingenieur, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 823 ] | Hommel, Jan-Hendrik; Guenther Meschke Application of the EAS-concept to a p-version of the finite shell formulation to avoid volumetric locking Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 824 ] | Hommel, Jan-Hendrik; Kintzel, Olaf; Guenther Meschke A coupled elasto-plastic micropore damage model for low cycle fatigue analyses of ductile metals at finite strains Abstract book, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 825 ] | Hommel, J.-H.; Kintzel, O.; Meschke, G. A coupled elasto-plastic micropore damage model for low-cycle fatigue analyses of ductile metals at finite strains 11th International Conference on Fracture 2005, ICF11, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 826 ] | Kasper, Thomas; Guenther Meschke 3D modelling of TBM tunnelling in saturated soft soils Prediction, analysis and design in geomechanical applications, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 827 ] | 3D modelling of shield tunnelling in saturated soft soils Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 828 ] | Wang, G.; Li, S.; Sauer, R. A circular inclusion in a finite domain II. The Neumann-Eshelby problem Acta Mechanica, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 829 ] | Guenther Meschke; Dumstorff, Peter A global energy criterion for crack propagation using the extended finite element method Abstract book, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 830 ] | Dumstorff, P.; Meschke, G. Global energy criterion for crack propagation using the extended finite element method 11th International Conference on Fracture 2005, ICF11, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 831 ] | Kintzel, Olaf; Guenther Meschke Anisotropic elasto-plastic damage formulation for finite strains using a damage structural tensor and the effective stress concept Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 832 ] | Krimpmann, Sandra; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Galerkin Time integration of chemical dissolution and species transport in porous media Poromechanics III, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 833 ] | Krimpmann, S.; Kuhl, D.; Meschke, G. Galerkin time integration of chemical dissolution and species transport in porous media Poromechanics III: Biot Centennial (1905-2005) - Proceedings of the 3rd Biot Conference on Poromechanics, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 834 ] | Li, S.; Sauer, R.; Wang, G. A circular inclusion in a finite domain I. The Dirichlet-Eshelby problem Acta Mechanica, 2005 [ DOI ] |
[ 835 ] | Guenther Meschke Computergestützte Prognosemodelle im konstruktiven Ingenieurbau Vorträge / Nordrhein-Westfälische Akademie der Wissenschaften / I, 2005 [ DOI ] |
2004 | |
[ 836 ] | Bangert, Falko; Rumanus, Erkan; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Modeling and numerical simulation of long-term deterioration of concrete structures Proceedings of the Second International Conference Lifetime-Oriented Design Concepts, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 837 ] | Guenther Meschke; Kuhl, Detlef Modellbildung und numerische Simulation gekoppelter chemisch, physikalisch und mechanisch induzierter Schädigung von Betonstrukturen Proceedings of the Second International Conference Lifetime-Oriented Design Concepts, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 838 ] | Guenther Meschke; O. Kintzel Kinematic hardening laws in isotropic and anisotropic hyperelasticity and consistent linearization , 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 839 ] | Kuhl, D.; Meschke, G. Higher-order accurate galerkin time integration schemes for non-linear reaction-diffusion problems ECCOMAS 2004 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 840 ] | Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Lifetime-Oriented Design Concepts (ICLODC 2004) , 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 841 ] | Dumstorff, P.; Meschke, G. Investigation of crack growth criteria in the context of the extended finite element ethod ECCOMAS 2004 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 842 ] | Guenther Meschke; Dumstorff, Peter Investigation of crack growth criteria in the context of the extended finite element method Proceedings, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 843 ] | Special Issue ,,Computational Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures (6 contributions) International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, Volume 28 (7-8), 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 844 ] | Grasberger, S.; Meschke, G. Thermo-hygro-mechanical degradation of concrete: From coupled 3D material modelling to durability-oriented multifield structural analyses Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 845 ] | Meschke, G.; Dumstorff, P.; Bangert, F.; Kuhl, D. Fracture and long-term deterioration of concrete structures: Discontinuous discretization concepts and ultiphase odels ECCOMAS 2004 - European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 846 ] | Grasberger, Stefan; Guenther Meschke Thermo-hygro-mechanical degradation of concrete Materials and structures, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 847 ] | Guenther Meschke; Bićanić, Nenad; Borst, René de; Mang, Herbert Special Issue: Computational Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 848 ] | Kintzel, Olaf; Hommel, Jan-Hendrik; Guenther Meschke Simulation of damage mechanisms and life time prediction of metallic structures Proceedings of the Second International Conference Lifetime-Oriented Design Concepts, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 849 ] | Robust time integration for durability analyses Sixth World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM VI), 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 850 ] | Guenther Meschke; Bangert, Falko; Kuhl, Detlef; Dumstorff, Peter Fracture and long-term deterioration of concrete structures Proceedings, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 851 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Bangert, Falko; Guenther Meschke Coupled chemo-mechanical deterioration of cementitious materials International journal of solids and structures, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 852 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Bangert, Falko; Guenther Meschke Coupled chemo-mechanical deterioration of cementitious materials International journal of solids and structures, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 853 ] | Bangert, Falko; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Chemo-hygro-mechanical modelling and numerical simulation of concrete deterioration caused by alkali-silica reaction Special Issue: Computational Mechanics of Concrete and Concrete Structures, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 854 ] | Becker, Christian; Guenther Meschke A higher order 3D multifield finite element formulation for durability analyses of structures Proceedings of the Second International Conference Lifetime-Oriented Design Concepts, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 855 ] | Kasper, Thomas; Guenther Meschke A 3D finite element simulation model for TBM tunnelling in soft ground International journal for numerical and analytical methods in geomechanics, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 856 ] | Coupled chemo-mechanical deterioration of cementitious materials. Part 1: Modeling International Journal for Solids and Structures, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 857 ] | Bangert, Falko; Guenther Meschke A coupled hygro-chemo-mechanical damage model for ASR-affected concrete Fracture mechanics of concrete structures, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 858 ] | Kasper, Thomas; Guenther Meschke Finite elemente simulation maschineller Tunnelvortriebe Geotechnik, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 859 ] | Coupled chemo-mechanical deterioration of cementitious materials. Part 2: Numerical Methods and Simulations International Journal for Solids and Structures, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 860 ] | Guenther Meschke; O. Kintzel Finite Element implementation of isotropic ductile damage models for the consideration of cyclic loading , 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 861 ] | Kasper, T.; Meschke, G. Finite element simulation of shield tunnel advances in soft ground,Finite Elemente Simulation maschineller Tunnelvortriebe im Lockergestein Geotechnik, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 862 ] | Guenther Meschke; Dumstorff, Peter Discontinuous representation of brittle failure Modelling of cohesive-frictional materials, 2004 [ DOI ] |
[ 863 ] | Joern Mosler; Guenther Meschke Embedded crack vs. smeared crack models Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 2004 [ DOI ] |
2003 | |
[ 864 ] | Kasper, Thomas; Guenther Meschke Modeling aspects and numerical simulation of shield tunneling in soft soils Computational plasticity VII, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 865 ] | Kinematic Hardening Model For Finite Strain Elasto-Plastic Analysis COMPLAS, Seventh International Congress on Computational Plasticity, 7.-12. April, Barcelona, Spanien, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 866 ] | Kintzel, Olaf; Guenther Meschke Kinematic hardening model for finite strain elasto-plastic analysis Computational plasticity VII, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 867 ] | Guenther Meschke; Grasberger, Stefan Gekoppelte numerische Analysen trocknungs- und lastinduzierter Schädigung von Betonstrukturen Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 868 ] | Bangert, Falko; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Modeling of concrete deterioration by alkali-silica reaction Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 869 ] | Kintzel, Olaf; Guenther Meschke Kinematic hardening model at finite strains Computational plasticity VII, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 870 ] | Grasberger, Stefan; Guenther Meschke; von Scheven, Malte; Neumann, Malte Numerische Dauerhaftigkeitsanalysen von Betonstrukturen am Beispiel einer Tunnelinnenschale Bauingenieur, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 871 ] | Becker, Christian; Hommel, Jan-Hendrik; Guenther Meschke Finite elements in shell analysis Proceedings in applied mathematics and mechanics, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 872 ] | Kasper, Thomas; Guenther Meschke Three-dimensional finite element simultations of hydroshield tunneling (Re)Claiming the underground space, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 873 ] | Grasberger, Stefan; Bangert, Falko; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Numerical modelling of environmentally induced deterioration of concrete Internationale Zeitschrift für Bauinstandsetzen und Baudenkmalpflege, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 874 ] | Guenther Meschke; Grasberger, Stefan Numerical modelling of coupled hygro-mechanical degradation of cementitious materials Journal of engineering mechanics, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 875 ] | Joern Mosler; Guenther Meschke Numerical analysis of anchor pull-out tests using a rotating embedded crack model Computational plasticity VII, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 876 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Computational modeling of transport mechanisms in reactive porous media Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 877 ] | A comparison of coupled chemo-mechanical damage models of concrete using phenomenological chemistry and reaction kinetics Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics2003, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 878 ] | Joern Mosler; Guenther Meschke 3D modelling of strong discontinuities in elastoplastic solids International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 879 ] | Müller, Stephan; Guenther Meschke; Stumvoll, Martin 3D modeling of anisotropic brittle damage in chipboard Computational plasticity VII, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 880 ] | Bangert, Falko; Grasberger, Stefan; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Environmentally induced deterioration of concrete Engineering fracture mechanics, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 881 ] | Dumstorff, Peter; Joern Mosler; Guenther Meschke Advanced discretization methods for cracked structures Computational plasticity VII, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 882 ] | Liu, W.N.; Meschke, G.; Mang, H.A. Algorithmic stabilization of FE analyses of 2D frictional contact problems with large slip Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 883 ] | Grasberger, Stefan; Guenther Meschke Drying shrinkage, creep and cracking of concrete Computational modelling of concrete structures, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 884 ] | Meschke, G.; Grasberger, S. Coupled numerical simulation of drying-and loading inducated degradation of concrete structures,Gekoppelte numerische analysen trocknungs-und lastinduzierter schädigung von betonstrukturen Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 885 ] | Guenther Meschke; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; Hofstetter, Günter; Mackenzie-Helnwein, Peter Coupled material modelling and multifield structural analyses in civil engineering Engineering computations, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 886 ] | Guenther Meschke; Joern Mosler; Mang, Herbert A.; Lackner, Roman 3.10 - Computational modeling of concrete structures Comprehensive structural integrity, 2003 [ DOI ] |
[ 887 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, W. N.; Mang, Herbert A. Algorithmic stabilization of FE analyses of 2D frictional contact problems with large slip Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 2003 [ DOI ] |
2002 | |
[ 888 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Higher order transport models for the simulation of dissociation-diffusion processes in reactive porous media Proceedings CD of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2002 [ DOI ] |
[ 889 ] | Guenther Meschke; Kasper, Thomas Mit “Virtual Tunnelling’’ dicht unter den Kellern entlang Rubin / Sonderheft, 2002 [ DOI ] |
[ 890 ] | Kintzel, Olaf; Başar, Yavuz; Guenther Meschke An isotropic hyperelastic-plastic material model for large strain damage analysis Proceedings CD of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2002 [ DOI ] |
[ 891 ] | Joern Mosler; Guenther Meschke A comparison of embedded discontinuity approaches with fracture energy based smeared crack models Proceedings CD of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2002 [ DOI ] |
[ 892 ] | Kintzel, Olaf; Başar, Yavuz; Guenther Meschke An anisotropic elasto-plasto damage model for the numeric simulation of low-cycle fatigue for ductile metals Proceedings CD of the Fifth World Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2002 [ DOI ] |
[ 893 ] | Guenther Meschke; Bangert, Falko; Grasberger, Stefan; Kuhl, Detlef "Computational Durability Mechanics" als Grundlage künftiger lebensdauerorientierter Entwurfskonzepte von Stahlbetonkonstruktionen Berichte der Fachtagung Baustatik - Baupraxis 8, 2002 [ DOI ] |
2001 | |
[ 894 ] | Bangert, Falko; Grasberger, Stefan; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Numerical modeling of long-term deterioration of concrete structures accounting for hygral and chemical processes Trends in computational structural mechanics, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 895 ] | Guenther Meschke; Kuhl, Detlef; Bangert, Falko; Grasberger, Stefan Modellbildung und numerische Simulation gekoppelter chemisch, physikalisch und mechanisch induzierter Schädigung von Betonstrukturen Lebensdauerorientierte Entwurfskonzepte unter SFB 398 Schädigungs- und Deteriorationsaspekten, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 896 ] | Müller, Stephan; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke; Stumvoll, Martin Modeling of anisotropy elasticity and damage on macroscopic and microplane levels Solids, structures and coupled problems in engineering, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 897 ] | Grasberger, Stefan; Bangert, Falko; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Numerical modelling of environmentally induced deterioration of concrete Fracture mechanics of concrete structures, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 898 ] | Numerical modelling of environmentally induced deterioration of concrete Fracture mechanics of concrete structures, FRAMCOS IV, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 899 ] | Guenther Meschke; Huemer, Thomas; Liu, W. N.; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; Mang, Herbert A. Sliding behavior of rubber on snow and concrete surfaces Kautschuk, Gummi, Kunststoffe, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 900 ] | Grasberger, Stefan; Guenther Meschke Numerical simulation of coupled thermo-hygro-mechanical processes within concrete Creep, shrinkage and durability mechanics of concrete and other quasi-brittle materials, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 901 ] | Guenther Meschke; Grasberger, Stefan; Flatten, Arnd Dietmar; Bangert, Falko; Kuhl, Detlef; Dumstorff, Peter Life-time oriented multified FE-analyses of concrete structures Solids, structures and coupled problems in engineering, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 902 ] | Huemer, T.; Liu, W.N.; Eberhardsteiner, J.; Mang, H.A.; Wien; Meschke, G. Sliding behaviour of rubber on snow and concrete surfaces KGK-Kautschuk und Gummi Kunststoffe, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 903 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Müller, Stephan; Guenther Meschke An extension of the microplane model for the modeling of anisotropic elasticity and damage of particle based recycling materials Trends in computational structural mechanics, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 904 ] | Joern Mosler; Guenther Meschke An elastoplastic-damage model for quasi brittle materials in the framework of the strong discontinuity approach Fracture mechanics of concrete structures, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 905 ] | Bangert, Falko; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke Finite element simulation of chemo-mechanical damage under cyclic loading conditions Fracture mechanics of concrete structures, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 906 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke A comparison of coupled chemo-mechanical damage models of concrete using phenomenological chemistry and reaction kinetics Computational fluid and solid mechanics, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 907 ] | Joern Mosler; Guenther Meschke Analysis of mode I failure in brittle materials using the strong discontinuity approach with higher order elements Solids, structures and coupled problems in engineering, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 908 ] | Grasberger, Stefan; Guenther Meschke A coupled thermo-hygro-mechanical material model for concrete GAMM 2000 annual meeting, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 909 ] | Meschke, G.; Falko Bangert, D.; Stefan Grasberger, D.; Kuhl, D. Computational durability analysis of concrete structures considering damage, moisture transport and chemical dissolution processes Proceedings - fib-Symposium on Concrete and Environment 2001, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 910 ] | Environmentally induced deterioration of concrete structures: modelling and numerical simulation First International Conference Lifetime Oriented Design Concepts, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 911 ] | Bangert, Falko; Kuhl, Detlef; Guenther Meschke; Lohaus, L. Environmentally induced deterioration of concrete structures: modelling and numerical simulation Lifetime-oriented design concepts, 2001, 2001 [ DOI ] |
[ 912 ] | Guenther Meschke; Bangert, Falko; Grasberger, Stefan; Kuhl, Detlef Computational durability analysis of concrete structures considering damage, moisture transport and chemical dissolution processes Proceedings, 2001 [ DOI ] |
2000 | |
[ 913 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, W. N.; Mang, Herbert A. On the approximation of the tangential slip in frictional contact analyses Computers & structures, 2000 [ DOI ] |
[ 914 ] | Numerical thermo-hygro-mechanical analysis of concrete structures 3rd International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, 2000 [ DOI ] |
[ 915 ] | Liu, W.N.; Meschke, G.; Mang, H.A. Re-analyses of tests on snow specimens by means of elasto-visco-plasticity models ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2000 [ DOI ] |
[ 916 ] | Re-analyses of tests on soil-like specimen by means of elasto-viscoplastic models Zeitschrift für angewandte Mechanik und Mathematik, ZAMM, 2000 [ DOI ] |
[ 917 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, Zhen; Mang, H. A. Re-analyses of tests on soil-like specimen by means of elasto-viscoplastic models Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2000 [ DOI ] |
[ 918 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, W. N.; Mang, Herbert A. Re-analyses of tests on snow specimens by means of elasto-visco-plasticity models GAMM 99 annual meeting, 2000 [ DOI ] |
[ 919 ] | Guenther Meschke; S. Grasberger Ein gekoppeltes thermo-hygro-mechanisches Materialmodell für Beton Zeitschrift für angewandte Mechanik und Mathematik, 2000 [ DOI ] |
[ 920 ] | Kuhl, Detlef; Bangert, Falko; Guenther Meschke An extension of damage theory to coupled chemo-mechanical processes ECCOMAS 2000, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2000 [ DOI ] |
[ 921 ] | Joern Mosler; Guenther Meschke 3D FE analysis of cracks by means of the strong discontinuity approach ECCOMAS 2000, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2000 [ DOI ] |
[ 922 ] | Grasberger, S.; Meschke, G. A hygro-thermal-poroplastic damage model for durability analyses of concrete structures European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, 2000 [ DOI ] |
[ 923 ] | Grasberger, Stefan; Guenther Meschke A hygro-thermal-poroplastic damage model for durability analyses of concrete structures ECCOMAS 2000, European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2000 [ DOI ] |
[ 924 ] | Kuhl, D.; Bangert, F.; Meschke, G. An extension of damage theory to coupled chemo-mechanical processes European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, ECCOMAS 2000, 2000 [ DOI ] |
1999 | |
[ 925 ] | Guenther Meschke; Huemer, Thomas; Mang, Herbert A. Computer-aided retrofitting of a damaged RC cooling tower shell Journal of structural engineering, 1999 [ DOI ] |
[ 926 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A.; Fardis, M. N.; Bousias, S. N. Retrofitting of a RC cooling tower Structural engineering in the 21st century, 1999 [ DOI ] |
[ 927 ] | Guenther Meschke; Payer, H. J.; Mang, Herbert A. Application of the finite element method to the analysis of automobile tires IUTAM Symposium on Discretization Methods in Structural Mechanics, 1999 [ DOI ] |
[ 928 ] | Meschke, G.; Mang, H.A.; Fardis, M.N.; Bousias, S.N. Retrofitting of a RC cooling tower: from concrete modelling to structural design Structures Congress - Proceedings, 1999 [ DOI ] |
[ 929 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, W. N. A re-formulation of the exponential algorithm for finite strain plasticity in terms of cauchy stresses Computer methods in applied mechanics and engineering, 1999 [ DOI ] |
[ 930 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, W. N.; Mang, Herbert A. A note on the algorithmic stabilization of 2D contact analyses Computational methods in contact mechanics IV, 1999 [ DOI ] |
[ 931 ] | Guenther Meschke; Pivonka, Peter; Mang, Herbert A. 3D Materialmodell für Beton Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 1999 [ DOI ] |
[ 932 ] | Meschke, G.; Liu, W.N. A re-formulation of the exponential algorithm for finite strain plasticity in terms of cauchy stresses Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 1999 [ DOI ] |
1998 | |
[ 933 ] | Guenther Meschke; Payer, H. J.; Liu, W. N.; Mang, Herbert A. FE-Simulation der Wechselwirkung zwischen Autoreifen und schneebedeckten Fahrbahnen Finite Elemente in der Baupraxis, 1998 [ DOI ] |
[ 934 ] | Guenther Meschke; Kropik, Christian; Mang, Herbert A. Numerical analyses of tunnel linings by means of a viscoplastic material model for shotcrete International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 1998 [ DOI ] |
[ 935 ] | Guenther Meschke; Payer, H. J.; Mang, Herbert A. Geometrisch nichtlineare 2D FE-Kontaktanalysen kantiger, deformierbarer Körper Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 1998 [ DOI ] |
[ 936 ] | Computational Modelling of Concrete Structures (EURO-C 1998) , 1998 [ DOI ] |
[ 937 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, W. N.; Mang, Herbert A. Comparison of different approximations of the relative tangential slip in contact analyses with velocity-dependent friction models Advances in computational structural mechanics, 1998 [ DOI ] |
[ 938 ] | Guenther Meschke; Macht, Jürgen; Lackner, Roman A damage-plasticity model for concrete accounting for fracture-induced anisotropy Computational modelling of concrete structures, 1998 [ DOI ] |
[ 939 ] | Meschke, G.; Lackner, R.; Mang, H.A. An anisotropic elastoplastic-damage model for plain concrete International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 1998 [ DOI ] |
[ 940 ] | Guenther Meschke; Lackner, Roman; Mang, Herbert A. An anisotropic elastoplastic-damage model for plain concrete International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 1998 [ DOI ] |
1997 | |
[ 941 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A.; Huemer, Thomas Inelastic material modelling of concrete and computer-aided retrofitting of a damaged RC shell Aspects in modern computational structural analysis, 1997 [ DOI ] |
[ 942 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A.; Lackner, Roman Recent accomplishments and future research directions in computational plasticity of reinforced concrete structures Computational plasticity, 1997 [ DOI ] |
[ 943 ] | Inelastic Material Modelling of Concrete and Computer-Aided Retrofitting of a Damaged RC Shell Aspects in Modern Computational Structural Analysis, 1997 [ DOI ] |
[ 944 ] | Werkstoffmodelle für gerissenen Stahlbeton: Konzepte, Algorithmen und numerische Analysen. Materialmodelle und Methoden zur wirklichkeitsnahen Berechnung von Beton-, Stahlbeton- und Spannbetonbauteilen Festschrift anlässlich des Eintritts in den Ruhestand von Prof. G. Mehlhorn, 1997 [ DOI ] |
[ 945 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A. Werkstoffmodelle für gerissenen Stahlbeton Materialmodelle und Methoden zur wirklichkeitsnahen Berechnung von Beton-, Stahlbeton- und Spannbetonbauteilen, 1997 [ DOI ] |
[ 946 ] | Guenther Meschke; Lackner, Roman Anisotropic modelling of cracked concrete based on plasticity-damage theory Computational plasticity, 1997 [ DOI ] |
[ 947 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mundl, Reinhard; Liederer, W. Friction mechanism of tread blocks on snow surfaces Tire science and technology, 1997 [ DOI ] |
[ 948 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, W. N. A study on the significance of the chosen stress measure in finite strain plasticity Annual Meeting, 1997 [ DOI ] |
[ 949 ] | Guenther Meschke; Lackner, Roman; Mang, Herbert A. An anisotropic material model for cracked concrete based on plasticity- and damage theory Annual Meeting, 1997 [ DOI ] |
[ 950 ] | Guenther Meschke; Payer, H. J.; Mang, Herbert A. 3D simulations of automobile tires Tire science and technology, 1997 [ DOI ] |
[ 951 ] | Guenther Meschke; Payer, H. J.; Mang, Herbert A. Computational mechanics of automobile tires Advances in computational engineering science, 1997 [ DOI ] |
1996 | |
[ 952 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, W. N.; Liu, Changhong; Mang, Herbert A. Numerical simulations of the traction mechanism of rubber blocks moving on snow Applied sciences, especially mechanics, 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 953 ] | Meschke, G.; Liu, W.N.; Liu, C.H.; Mang, H.A. Numerical simulations of the traction mechanism of rubber blocks moving on snow ZAMM Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 954 ] | Guenther Meschke Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen der Traktionseigenschaften von Reifenprofilen auf schneebedeckten Fahrbahnen Tribologie rund um das KFZ, 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 955 ] | Guenther Meschke; Kropik, Christian; Mang, Herbert A. Synthesis of constitutive modelling and numerical simulations in the context of the excavation of shallow tunnels by the NATM Computational methods in applied sciences '96, 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 956 ] | Guenther Meschke Stoffmodelle für numerische Simulationen mittels der Methode der Finiten Elemente , 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 957 ] | Stoffmodelle für numerische Simulationen mittels der Methode der Finiten Elemente. , 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 958 ] | Guenther Meschke; Kropik, Christian; Mang, Herbert A.; Hellmich, Christian Numerical simulations of the excavation of a shallow tunnel driven by the NATM Proceedings of the Third Asian-Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics, 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 959 ] | Meschke, G. Consideration of aging of shotcrete in the context of A 3-D viscoplastic material model International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 960 ] | Numerical analyses of tunnel linings by means of a viscoplastic material model for shotcrete International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 961 ] | Guenther Meschke Consideration of aging of shotcrete in the context of a 3D viscoplastic material model International journal for numerical methods in engineering, 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 962 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A. 3D Stoffmodell für Spritzbeton Aus dem Massivbau und seinem Umfeld, 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 963 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, Changhong; Mang, Herbert A. Finite element modelling of snow Journal of engineering mechanics, 1996 [ DOI ] |
[ 964 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A.; Huemer, Thomas; Institut für Mechanik der Werkstoffe und Strukturen, Bochum; Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften; Technische Universität Wien Investigation of the safety coefficient of the stiffened cooling tower shell based on a refined computational model , 1996 [ DOI ] |
1995 | |
[ 965 ] | Liu, Changhong; Meschke, Gunther; Helnwein, Peter; Mang, Herbert A. Tying algorithm for linking of finite element meshes with different degrees of refinement. Application to finite element analyses of tires Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences, 1995 [ DOI ] |
[ 966 ] | Guenther Meschke; Huemer, Thomas; Kropik, Christian; Mang, Herbert A. On the role of numerical analyses in the strengthening of RC structures Extending the lifespan of structures, 1995 [ DOI ] |
[ 967 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mundl, Reinhard; Liederer, W. Kraftübertragung von Profilstollen auf Schneefahrbahnen Reifen, Fahrwerk, Fahrbahn, 1995 [ DOI ] |
[ 968 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, W. N.; Chen, H.; Mang, Herbert A.; Institut für Festigkeitslehre, Bochum; Technische Universität Wien Vergleichende numerische Analysen des Traktionsverhaltens von Reifenstollen auf Schnee , 1995 [ DOI ] |
[ 969 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, Changhong; Mackenzie-Helnwein, Peter; Mang, Herbert A. Tying algorithm for the linking of finite element meshes with different degrees of refinement Computer assisted mechanics and engineering sciences, 1995 [ DOI ] |
[ 970 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, Changhong A modification of the cam-clay plasticity model at large strains Annual meeting, 1995 [ DOI ] |
[ 971 ] | Guenther Meschke; Payer, H. J.; Liu, Changhong; Mackenzie-Helnwein, Peter; Mang, Herbert A. 3D-FE simulations of automobile tires Computational mechanics '95, 1995 [ DOI ] |
[ 972 ] | Guenther Meschke; Welscher, S. A modified 3D rotating crack model Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 1995 [ DOI ] |
[ 973 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A.; Huemer, Thomas; Institut für Mechanik der Werkstoffe und Strukturen, Bochum; Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften; Technische Universität Wien Investigation of the meridional stresses in the stiffened cooling tower shell , 1995 [ DOI ] |
[ 974 ] | Guenther Meschke A new viscoplastic model for snow at finite strains Computational plasticity, 1995 [ DOI ] |
1994 | |
[ 975 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hümer, Thomas; Kropik, Christian; Mang, Herbert A. Repair of a cracked cooling tower shell based on numerical simulations Spatial, lattice, and tension strutures, 1994 [ DOI ] |
[ 976 ] | Huemer, Thomas; Kropik, Christian; Mang, Herbert A.; Meschke, Gunther Repair of a cracked cooling tower shell based on numerical simulations Proceedings of the IASS-ASCE International Symposium 1994 on Spatial, Lattice and Tension Structures, 1994 [ DOI ] |
[ 977 ] | Repair of a Cracked Cooling Tower Shell Based on Numerical Simulations Bulletin of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures, 1994 [ DOI ] |
[ 978 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, Changhong The cam-clay model at finite strains Computer methods and advances in geomechanics, 1994 [ DOI ] |
[ 979 ] | Guenther Meschke; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; Kropik, Christian; Mang, Herbert A. Material modelling and elasto-viscoplastic stress analysis of a tunnel junction Computer methods and advances in geomechanics, 1994 [ DOI ] |
[ 980 ] | Guenther Meschke; H.A. Mang ; J. Eberhardsteiner; Chr. Kropik; L. Martak; H. Liebsch Tunnelabzweigungen bei kriechaktiven Bodenverhältnissen Analysis of a tunnel cross-drift in creeping soil Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Angelegenheiten -- Strass Erforschung, 1994 [ DOI ] |
[ 981 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, C. H.; Mang, H. A. Large strain FE-analyses of localized failure in snow Localized damage III, 1994 [ DOI ] |
[ 982 ] | Guenther Meschke A multisurface visco-plastic model for shotcrete Computer modelling of concrete structures, 1994 [ DOI ] |
[ 983 ] | Guenther Meschke; Murin, J.; Mackenzie-Helnwein, Peter; Mang, Herbert A. A study on solution algorithms for geometrically and physically nonlinear 1D finite elements Models, numerical methods and applications, 1994 [ DOI ] |
[ 984 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A.; Huemer, Thomas; Kropik, Christian; Institut für Mechanik der Werkstoffe und Strukturen, Bochum; Ruhr-Universität Bochum / Fakultät für Bau- und Umweltingenieurwissenschaften; Technische Universität Wien Design of the repair of cooling tower III Ptolemais SES , 1994 [ DOI ] |
[ 985 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, W. N.; Chen, H.; Mang, Herbert A.; Institut für Festigkeitslehre, Bochum; Technische Universität Wien Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen des Traktionsverhaltens von Einzelstollen auf Schnee auf der Basis eines neuen Stoffmodells für Schnee , 1994 [ DOI ] |
[ 986 ] | Guenther Meschke; Huemer, Thomas; Kropik, Christian; Mang, Herbert A. Design of the strengthening of a cracked cooling tower shell on the basis of nonlinear FE-Analysis Computer modelling of concrete structures, 1994 [ DOI ] |
1993 | |
[ 987 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, Changhong; Mang, Herbert A.; Institut für Festigkeitslehre, Bochum; Technische Universität Wien Numerische und experimentelle Untersuchungen des Traktionsverhaltens von Reifenstollen auf Schnee , 1993 [ DOI ] |
[ 988 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mackenzie-Helnwein, Peter On 1D-hyperelastic material formulations Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 1993 [ DOI ] |
[ 989 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mackenzie-Helnwein, Peter Large-strain 3D-analysis of fibre-reinforced composites using rebar elements Computational mechanics, 1993 [ DOI ] |
[ 990 ] | Guenther Meschke; Liu, Changhong; Mang, Herbert A.; Institut für Festigkeitslehre, Bochum; Technische Universität Wien Mechanische Eigenschaften von Schnee und Numerische Simulationen der Wechselwirkung zwischen Profilstollen und Schneefahrbahn , 1993 [ DOI ] |
[ 991 ] | Finite Element Methods in Academic Engineering Education Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Finite Element Methods, 1993 [ DOI ] |
[ 992 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mackenzie-Helnwein, Peter; Liu, Changhong; Mang, Herbert A. A new 3-D finite element model for cord-reinforced rubber composites Finite elements in analysis and design, 1993 [ DOI ] |
[ 993 ] | Guenther Meschke; Simo, Juan Carlos A new class of algorithms for classical plasticity extended to finite strains Computational mechanics, 1993 [ DOI ] |
[ 994 ] | Guenther Meschke Finite Element Methods in Academic Engineering Education Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Finite Element Methods, 1993 [ DOI ] |
1992 | |
[ 995 ] | Guenther Meschke Numerische Simulationen im Bauwesen mittels der Methode der Finiten Elemente CAAD computer aided architectural design, CACD computer aided city development 92 Forum, 1992 [ DOI ] |
[ 996 ] | Mang, H.A.; Meschke, G. Nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures Construction and Building Materials, 1992 [ DOI ] |
[ 997 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mackenzie-Helnwein, Peter; Liu, Changhong; Mang, Herbert A.; Institut für Festigkeitslehre, Bochum; Technische Universität Wien Modellbildung des Reifens mit fein diskretisierter Lauffläche , 1992 [ DOI ] |
[ 998 ] | Guenther Meschke; Simo, Juan Carlos New algorithms for multiplicative plasticity that preserve the classical return mappings Computational plasticity, 1992 [ DOI ] |
[ 999 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mackenzie-Helnwein, Peter; Liu, Changhong; Mang, Herbert A.; Institut für Festigkeitslehre, Bochum; Technische Universität Wien Modellbildung des profillosen Reifens , 1992 [ DOI ] |
1991 | |
[ 1000 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A. Numerical investigation of the safety coefficient of a cracked cooling tower against structural collapse Structural concrete, 1991 [ DOI ] |
[ 1001 ] | Guenther Meschke Synthese aus konstitutivem Modellieren von Beton mittels dreiaxialer, elastoplastischer Werkstoffmodelle und Finite Elemente Analysen dickwandiger Stahlbetonkonstruktionen Technische Universität Wien: Dissertationen, 1991 [ DOI ] |
[ 1002 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A. Nonlinear finite element analysis of reinforced and prestressed concrete structures Engineering structures, 1991 [ DOI ] |
[ 1003 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A.; Kosza, Peter Finite element analyses of cracked cooling tower shell Journal of structural engineering, 1991 [ DOI ] |
[ 1004 ] | Guenther Meschke; Hofstetter, Günter; Mang, Herbert A. 3D inelastic constitutive modelling for FE analyses of concrete structures Nonlinear computational mechanics, 1991 [ DOI ] |
1990 | |
[ 1005 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A Investigation of the safety coefficient of the cooling tower polemas-III against structural collapse Institute for Strength of Materials, Vienna University of Technology, 1990 [ DOI ] |
[ 1006 ] | Guenther Meschke Application of elasto-plastic constitutive models to 3D-finite-element-analyses of reinforced concrete structures Computer aided analysis and design of concrete structures, 1990 [ DOI ] |
1989 | |
[ 1007 ] | Guenther Meschke; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; Hofstetter, Günter; Mang, Herbert A.; Walter, H. Traglastanalysen von (a) schlaff bewehrten, dickwandigen Konstruktionselementen und (b) vorgespannten, dünnwandigen Schalen aus Beton Nichtlineare Berechnungen im konstruktiven Ingenieurbau, 1989 [ DOI ] |
[ 1008 ] | Synthese aus konstitutivem Modellieren von Beton mittels dreiaxialer, elastoplastischer Werkstoffmodelle und Finite Elemente Analysen dickwandiger Stahlbetonkonstruktionen. , 1989 [ DOI ] |
[ 1009 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A. Application of a new hypoplastic material model to 3D finite element analyses of concrete structures Computational plasticity, 1989 [ DOI ] |
1988 | |
[ 1010 ] | Guenther Meschke; Mang, Herbert A. Vergleichendes konstitutives Modellieren dreiachsial beanspruchten Betons auf der Grundlage elasto-plastischer Stoffgesetze Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 1988 [ DOI ] |
[ 1011 ] | Guenther Meschke Synthesis of constitutive modelling of Triaxially loaded concrete and finite element analysis of thick-walled RC structures Computational mechanics '88, 1988 [ DOI ] |
[ 1012 ] | Synthesis of Constitutive Modelling of Triaxially Loaded Concrete and Finite Element Analysis of Thick-Walled RC Structures Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Engineering Science, 1988 [ DOI ] |
1987 | |
[ 1013 ] | Guenther Meschke; Eberhardsteiner, Josef; Mang, Herbert A. Comparison of constitutive models for triaxially loaded concrete Computational mechanics of concrete structures, 1987 [ DOI ] |