BI-11 / UI-B03 - Statik und Tragwerkslehre A | |||
Statik und Tragwerkslehre A | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke 3. Semester, Winter Leistungspunkte: 5 Description:
BI15 - Statik und Tragwerkslehre B | |||
Statik und Tragwerkslehre B | |||
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, S. Schoen, M. Nösges 4. Semester, Sommer Leistungspunkte: 4 Description:
CE-W04 - Recent Advances in Numerical Modelling and Simulation | |||
Recent Advances in Numerical Modelling and Simulation | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, Y. Zendaki Term: 2. Semester, Summer term Credit points: 2 Description:
CE-WP04 - Advanced Finite Element Methods | |||
Advanced Finite Element Methods | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer Term: 2. Semester, Summer term Credit points: 6 Description:
Exercises in Advanced Finite Element Methods | |||
G. Vu, R. Williams MoisesDescription: |
CE-WP06 - FEM for Nonlinear Analysis of Materials and Structures | |||
Finite Element Method for Nonlinear Analysis of Inelastic Materials and Structures | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, V. Gudzulic Term: 2. Semester, Summer term Credit points: 3 Description:
CE-WP09 - Numerical Simulation in Geotechnics and Tunneling | |||
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, B.T. Cao Term: 2. Semester, Summer term Credit points: 6 Description: |
Numerical Simulation in Geotechnics | |||
Dr.-Ing. A. A. Lavasan Term: 2. Semester, Summer term Credit points: 3 Description:
Numerical Simulation in Tunneling | |||
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, B.T. Cao Term: 2. Semester, Summer term Credit points: 3 Description:
CE-WP10 - Object-oriented Modelling and Implementation of Structural Analysis Software | |||
Object-oriented Modelling and Implementation of Structural Analysis Software | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Baitsch, Y. Zendaki Term: 2. Semester, Summer term Credit points: 3 Description:
CE-WP11 - Applied Computational Simulations of Structures | |||
Applied Finite Element Methods | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, K. Daadouch, V. Gudzulic Term: 3. Semester, Winter term Credit points: 3 Description:
CE-WP11- Applied Computational Simulations of Structures | |||
Finite Element Methods in Linear Computational Dynamics | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, S. Butt, K. Daadouch Term: 2. Semester, Summer term Credit points: 6 Description:
Modul P05 - Finite Element Methods in Linear Structural Mechanics | |||
Finite Element Methods in Linear Structural Mechanics | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. SauerDescription: |
Modul BI-W35 - Recent Advances in Numerical Modelling and Simulation | |||
Recent Advances in Numerical Modelling and Simulation | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, Y. Zendaki 2. Semester, Sommer Leistungspunkte: 2 Description:
Modul BI-W39 - Objektorientierte Modellierung und Programmierung der Finite-Elemente-Methode | |||
Objektorientierte Modellierung und Programmierung der Finite-Elemente-Methode | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Baitsch, Y. Zendaki 2. Semester, Sommer Leistungspunkte: 4 Description:
Modul BI-WP05 - Finite Elemente Methoden für nichtlineare Strukturanalysen | |||
Finite Elemente Methoden für nichtlineare Strukturanalysen | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer 2. Semester, Sommer Leistungspunkte: 1,5 Description:
Modul BI-WP06 - Angewandte statische und dynamische Tragwerkssimulationen | |||
Angewandte Finite-Elemente-Methoden | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, G. Neu, R. Williams Moises 3. Semester, Sommer Leistungspunkte: 3 Description:
Modul BI-WP24 - Numerische Simulationen im Grund- und Tunnelbau | |||
Numerische Simulation im Tunnelbau | |||
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, B.T. Cao 2. Semester, Sommer Leistungspunkte: 3 Description:
Modul BI-WP44 - Constitutive Models for Geomaterials | |||
Finite Element Method for Nonlinear Analysis of Inelastic Materials and Structures | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, V. Gudzulic 2. Semester, Sommer Leistungspunkte: 3 Description:
Modul BI-WP57 - Computational Modeling of Membranes and Shells | |||
Computational Modeling of Membranes and Shells | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, M. NösgesDescription: |
Modul P08 - Finite Elemente Methoden | |||
Lineare Finite-Elemente-Methoden | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. SauerDescription: |
Modul PG06 - Geotechnik | |||
Lineare Finite-Elemente-Methoden | |||
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, P. Edler, N. Gottardi 1. Semester, Winter Leistungspunkte: 4,5 Description:
Berechnungsmethoden in der Geotechnik | |||
Dr.-Ing. D. König, Assistenten 1. Semester, Winter Leistungspunkte: 4,5 Description:
Modul PG10 - Modul Strukturdynamik | |||
Grundlagen der Tragwerksdynamik | |||
Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Höffer, Assistenten 1. Semester, Winter Leistungspunkte: 3 Description:
Finite-Elemente-Methoden in der linearen Strukturdynamik | |||
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, T. Iskhakov 1. Semester, Winter Leistungspunkte: 2 Description:
Seminar zur versuchsgestützten Schwingungsanalyse von Tragstrukturen | |||
Prof. Dr. T. Nestorovic, Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Höffer, Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, Assistenten Jedes Wintersemester Leistungspunkte: 3 Description:
Modul WP05 - Finite Elemente Methoden für nichtlineare Strukturanalysen | |||
Finite Elemente Methoden für geometrisch nichtlineare Strukturanalysen | |||
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke 2. Semester, Winter Leistungspunkte: 1,5 Description:
Übung und Seminar: nichtlineare Strukturanalysen im Ingenieurbau | |||
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, G. Vu, R. Williams Moises 2. Semester, Winter Leistungspunkte: 3 Description:
Modul WP06 - Angewandte statische und dynamische Tragwerkssimulationen | |||
Finite-Elemente-Methoden in der linearen Strukturdynamik | |||
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, S. Butt, K. Daadouch, T. Iskhakov 3. Semester, Sommer Leistungspunkte: 3 Description:
C2 - Computational Methods 1 | |||
Finite Element Methods in Linear Structural Mechanics | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. SauerDescription: |
SE-C2 Finite Element Methods in Linear Structural Mechanics | |||
Linear Finite Element Methods | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, K. Daadouch, N. GottardiDescription: |
SE-CO-10 - Computaional Methods 2 | |||
FEM for Nonlinear Analyses of Inelastic Materials and Structures | |||
Prof. Dr. R. A. Sauer, V. GudzulicDescription: |
SE-CO-3 - Numerical Simulation in Geomechanics and Tunneling | |||
Numerical Simulation in Tunneling | |||
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, B.T. Cao Term: 2. Semester, Summer term Credit points: 3 Description:
Modul 11 - Statik und Tragwerkslehre A | |||
Baustatik 1 | |||
Prof. Dr. techn. G. Meschke, G. Neu, Dr.-Ing. M. Hofmann 3. Semester, Winter Leistungspunkte: 5 Description: