
On November 22, 2024, the German Research Foundation decided to fund the Collaborative Research Centre 1683 (CRC 1683) with the title “Methods of interaction for the modular reuse of existing load-bearing structures“ (shortened “Modular Reuse”).

Instead of recycling old concrete, researchers of the CRC 1683 will investigate existing concrete elements, e.g. ceilings, walls, supports and foundations, regarding their quality, reusability and adaptability. All these information will be gathered to build a modular construction kit, which in turn will give the base to build up a building from recently produced and adapted old structures.
This innovative concept aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and curb the accumulation of unmanageable masses of construction waste.

The Institute for Structural Mechanics is involved with two sub-projects in this research:

A2 - Simulation methods for modular connections of reused concrete elements
This project focuses on the development of numerical methods for the modelling and digital design of joints of reused concrete modules. Design optimisation algorithms based on robust mathematical formulations are developed considering several aims, such as minimising the added material, minimising costs and manufacturing emissions, and maximising strength and durability. It is also crucial to develop reliable simulation models that can accurately describe the mechanical behaviour of the joints, taking into account contact stress, prestressing and concrete damage.

Koussay Daadouch, Roger Sauer, Günther Meschke.

A5 - Reliability-based structural performance assessment considering polymorphic uncertainties of reused concrete elements
The aim of this subproject A05 is to develop concepts for determining and ensuring the reliability of structures made of reused concrete elements. The consistent consideration of uncertainties at the concrete element level and at the structural level in combination with dedicated nonlinear computational models allows to realistically investigate the structural performance during the intended service life under consideration of ageing and the environmental impact.

Gerrit Neu, Steffen Freitag.

See also RUB News:
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Die Vorlesungstermine für das Wintersemester 2024/2025 sind online.
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"Multiscale tests, simulation, optimization and 3D printing of UHPFRC materials and structures" is the title of the 3rd Workshop Chinese-German cooperation project. It starts at 9 AM und will end at approximately 11:30 AM.

The workshop includes six different presentations by members from the Wuhan University and the RUB. Detailed information can be found in the attached PDF. Guests are very welcome to join this free of charge event!

If you are interested in more information related to this joint research program, check out the linked news.
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Am 17. September 2024 hielt Vladislav Gudžulić seinen Promotionsvortrag zum Thema "Virtual Lab for Mechanical Testing of Steel- and Steel-Fiber Reinforced Concrete".

Lieber Vlad, wir sagen herzlichen Glückwunsch zum erfolgreichen Bestehen deiner Promotion und wünschen dir eine erfolgreiche Zukunft!

Weitere Informationen und ein Abstract können dem verlinken PDF entnommen werden.
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Am 17. September 2024 wird Prof. Erik Landis von der University of Maine, USA einen Gastvortrag zum Thema "Quantifying Damage Mechanisms in Ultra-High-Performance Concrete" halten. Der Vortag findet um 11:00 Uhr im IC 03/604.
Gäste sind herzlich willkommen!

Weitere Informationen können dem PDF entnommen werden.
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Ruhr University Bochum, Institute for Structural Mechanics, IC 6/185, Universitätsstrasse 150, 44801 Bochum
+ 49 234 32 - 29051