The Research Group on „Structural Intelligence and Reliability“ is working on numerical simulation approaches of structures and processes under consideration of uncertainty. In addition to stochastic approaches, polymorphic uncertainty models are investigated to combine aleatory and epistemic uncertainty. For simulation based reliability predictions of complex structures and processes, model reduction techniques are developed especially based an Artificial Neural Networks and the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. The Research Group is also working on optimization approaches for robust and durable reinforced concrete and fiber reinforced concrete structures.
Subproject C1 of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 837 „Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling“
SFB 837 - Subproject C1
Subproject 6 of the DFG Priority Program 1886 „Polymorphic Uncertainty Modelling for the Numerical Design of Structures“
SPP 1886 - Subproject 6
MERCUR-Project (in cooperation with the Chair of Artificial Intelligence at TU Dortmund)
Prof. Dr. techn. Meschke, Günther | ||
Dr. Neu, Gerrit | Group Leader: Structural Intelligence and Reliability | |
M.Sc. Schoen, Stefanie | Research Assistant | |
M.Sc. Gottardi, Nicola | Research Assistant | |
M.Eng. Xu, Chen | Research Assistant | |
Dr. Liu, Zhen | Research Assistant (Guest) |
Accurate and predictive simulations of material and structural behavior greatly reduces the time and costs associated with the development of new materials and aid in the development of suitable technologies for improving their service-life. The behavior of such materials and structures is in general governed by aspects that are relevant at multiple length and time scales.
Goals of our research group is the characterization and design of materials and structures considering features at various length and time scales using mathematical models, scale-bridging methods and computational simulations.
Subproject B2 of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 837 „Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling“
SFB 837 - Subproject B2
Subproject C4 of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 837 „Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling“
SFB 837 - Subproject C4
Priority Programme 2020 "Cyclic deterioration of High-Performance Concrete in an Experimental-Virtual Lab" SPP 2020
SPP 2020
Prof. Dr. techn. Meschke, Günther | ||
Dr.-Ing. Gudzulic, Vladislav | Group Leader: Scale-bridging Structural Analysis | |
M.Sc. Vu, Giao | Research Assistant | |
Dr.-Ing. Butt, Sahir Nawaz | Research Assistant | |
M.Sc. Daadouch, Koussay | Research Assistant | |
M.Sc. Fründt, Julius | Research Assistant | |
Dr.-Ing. Hofmann, Michael | Research Assistant | |
M.Sc. Peters, Simon | Research Assistant |
The Research Group on „Computational Modeling in tunneling and Underground Structures” is concerned with the developments of computational simulation models and numerical techniques for analyzing complex underground structures and processes, in particular in mechanized tunneling. One of the main focuses of this research group is the holistic process oriented numerical modeling of the mechanized tunneling process (ekate). Several advanced numerical methods, e.g. FEM, PFEM, Immersed Boundary (IB) method, Finite Cell Method and Peridynamics, are employed to model the involved physical phenomena in each individual process. With the move toward digitalization and high performance computing, this research group is also concerned with the integration of parallelization strategies and Building Information Modeling (BIM) within the numerical simulations.
Subproject C1 of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 837 „Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling“
SFB 837 - Subproject C1
Subproject C4 of the DFG Collaborative Research Center 837 „Interaction Modeling in Mechanized Tunneling“
SFB 837 - Subproject C4
Prof. Dr. techn. Meschke, Günther | ||
Dr.-Ing. Cao, Ba Trung | Group Leader: Sub-surface Structures | |
M.Sc. Wang, Jingxiao | Research Assistant | |
M.Sc. Nösges, Markus | Research Assistant | |
M.Sc. Williams Moises, Rodolfo Javier | Research Assistant | |
M.Sc. Zendaki, Yaman | Research Assistant |