News & Aktuelles

High-Performance Computing in the Engineering Sciences


Im Rahmen der im WS 2016/2017 anstehenden Vortragsreihe „High-Performance Computing in the Engineering Sciences“ finden folgende Vorträge am Montag, den 13.03.2017 im IC 6 / 156 statt:

Transient Molecular – Continuum flow simulation on 32 768 cores
Philip Neumann
08:00 Uhr

Modern variational multiscale methods in High Performance Computing
Timo van Opstal
10:00 Uhr

Highly Scalable Parallel Multigrid Solvers for Partial Differential Equations
Andreas Vogel
12:45 Uhr

High performance optimization algorithms for interface identification
Martin Siebenborn
14:45 Uhr

HighPerformance ComputingEngineeringSciences.pdf

Master lecture: Recent Advances in Numerical Model...

Master students of the course "Recent Advances in Numerical Modelling and Simulation" (BI-W 35 & CE-


Lecture: Towards Sustainable Buildings - Novel Str...

On Tuesday, 18. June 2024, 9:30 AM, Miroslav Marjanović (PhD Civil Eng.) from the University of Bel
