
SD Minisymposium at BIOT 5 Conference

Am 10-12 Juli organisiert der Lehrstuhl für Statik und Dynamik auf der ""BIOT5 Conference on Poromechanics 2013" in Wien das Minisymposium "Multiscale modeling of transport phenomena and failure in porous materials"

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Präsentation von Jithender J. Timothy, Guenther Meschke (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany):
"Diffusion in fracturing porous materials: characterizing topological effects using cascade micromechanics and phase-field models"

Präsentation von Meng-Meng Zhou, Günther Meschke: (Ruhr University Bochum, Germany):
"Strength homogenization for partially frozen soil using linear comparison composite approach"

MS03-2: Application of multi-phase models in structural engineering

DFG approved CRC 1683 „Modular Reuse“...

On November 22, 2024, the German Research Foundation decided to fund the Collaborative Research Cent



Die Vorlesungstermine für das Wintersemester 2024/2025 sind online.
